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Guidelines to Become a Private Investigator

Are you thinking about becoming a private investigator? Perhaps you’re wondering what you need to become a private investigator. Private investigators are usually employed by law enforcement agencies, private agencies, or private clients to track down information or find people in hiding. In this article, we will be looking at who a private investigator is and the basic qualifications and requirements to become one.

Who Is A Private Investigator And Who Does He Do?

A private investigator, also known as a private detective or inquiry agent is a professional hired by private clients, groups, or NGOs to undertake an investigation. He uses his investigative skills to collect evidence on whatever case he was hired for.

To become a private investigator, you have to apply for a license to operate legally as a private investigator and abide by the laws as they also apply to the profession.

Some of the duties of a private Investigator include:

  • Researching legally for information
  • Running background checks
  • Conducting surveillance
  • Taking pictures of suspicious activities
  • Researching financial activities and information
  • Finding missing persons
  • Interviewing people to get credible information

How to Become a Private Investigator (PI)

In this field, experience is usually preferred over educational qualifications. However, a combination of both will make you a valuable candidate as a PI. Becoming a PI takes time and dedication. Below are some of the steps you must take to become one.

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1. Research for State Licensing Requirements

The requirements for a private investigator license vary from state to state. Find out the requirements for the state you wish to practice in.  

Some licensing bodies may have provisions to allow you to work as a private investigator without a license; this will allow you to gather more experience in the field. 

2. Have A Degree. 

As I stated earlier, some bodies put experience over qualification but to be on the safe side, have a degree. Most employers will require at least a high-school diploma or something close to that before they can hire you as their private investigator. 

If you decide to further your education, check out the courses that are required in your jurisdiction and go for any of them. Most of the classes you’ll take will include learning about local, state, and federal laws, understanding how the court system works, criminal and civil law, documentation, preparation of legal procedures, surveillance, research, interviewing, and the different types of investigation.

3. Go for Self-Defense Training

Most state laws allow private investigators to carry a weapon for self-defense. Undergoing firearm training will help you understand and know how to use your weapon. Also, you should learn how to defend yourself without any weapons as some situations on the field may call for it. 

4. Meet the Minimum Requirements 

Apart from experience and educational qualifications, there are other minimum requirements you must meet to become a private investigator. They include:

  • Be 18 years or above
  • You must have a clean criminal record
  • You must not have been dishonorably discharged from the army.
  • You must have no records of being found incompetent for reasons of mental health. 

5. Pass the Exam for Licensing

Most states conduct a licensing exam based on criminal laws, state or federal regulations that govern investigator behavior, procedures and protocols, information gathering, documentation, and court preparation. You must pass this test to become a private investigator. 

6. Pass a Background Check

Definitely, a background check will be run on you to know if you have any past misdeeds that may disqualify you. 

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7. Maintain License

After you’ve been given a license to practice as a private investigator, you must maintain it if you want to keep practicing. Plus, you need to renew this license from time to time; new background checks may also be a part of the process so stay clean.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Do I Get A PI License In Wisconsin?

To get a PI license in Wisconsin, you must take and pass an examination covering Wisconsin Statutes and Administrative Code, as well as investigative practices relevant to functioning as a private detective

How Do I Get My PI License In Indiana?

To get your PI license in Indiana, you must be at least twenty-one years of agePossess a minimum of two years of work experience as verified by a minimum of 4,000 hours in the investigative and/or security guard field

Do Private Investigators Need A License In Michigan?

Yes, private investigators need a license in Michigan. To become a private investigator in Michigan, you will need a license from the Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs.

How Do You Get A PI License In Oklahoma?

To get a PI license in Oklahoma, follow the steps below:

  1. Meet Oklahoma Requirements to Obtain a License
  2. Obtain the Necessary Training in Oklahoma
  3. Submit your Oklahoma Application
  4. Take the Oklahoma Examination
  5. Start Work as a Private Investigator in Oklahoma
  6. Fulfill your Continuing Education Requirement in Oklahoma


These are some of the steps and requirements you must meet to become a private investigator. Once you have all these requirements, you can be sure of a license to practice as a PI.

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