
What is property and casualty insurance

Property and casualty insurance– When ever you hear about property and casualty insurance what exactly is it that comes to your mind? Those what they both mean confuse you?

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In this article it is  important to note that both property and casualty insurance is a general term for protecting your valuables.

what does property and casualty insurance mean.

The both words Property and casualty insurance are often known as P&C protection and they are two types of inclusions which help to protect you and that of your properties.

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Property insurance gives coverage for everything in which you have in you possession such as home, cars etc While casualty insurance on the other hand  refers to an insurance policy plan that includes a responsibility inclusion which help exonerate you especially if you are liable for an accident that results in someone else’s injuries or damage of property.

You should know that this forms of insurance which is property insurance have so many other forms of insurance while performing different functions and that what ever meaning which your presented with in respect to property insurance.

  General liability insurance coverage

property insurance gives coverage to all your belongings if an unforseen circumstances occurs. As for business owners, it gives protection to the company’s assets against robbery in terms of structure and it’s contents.

Casualty insurance gives protection or coverage over a legal liability for issues coming from damage on another person’s property or a physical injury on another person.

Also, it is a common way for business owners as it gives coverage to them from loss where a staff sustains an injury on the company property.

Types of Property and Casualty Insurance

The different property and casualty insurance include;

  • Homeowners insurance
  • Condo Insurance
  • Co-op Insurance
  • Ho4 Insurance
  • Risk Insurance
  • Pet Insurance
  • Vehicle Insurance

This types of insurances, however, does not include other types of insurance plans such as life, health, and fire insurance.

Factors to consider when buying property and casualty insurance

Just as every insurance broker will advise that you compare quotes before settling down for any of the particular kind you think is best for you.

In the list below are some factors in which you need to consider especially before buying a Property and casualty insurance plan.

  • Ensure you get the property and casualty insurance plan from a duly registered company
  • Compare unique plans before buying online
  • Read and cross-check wordings, policy inclusions, and barriers.
  • Fact-check that your agent has an authentic means of identification.


There is what is known as Inclusion cutoff points which will apply regardless of your property and casualty insurance plan. So therefore, it is very necessary to justify the means at your end by going through the contract terms so well or even going as far as speaking with your provider especially if you need some assistance.

  What is property insurance

However, adjustments could be easily be made on cutoff based on your specific situation.

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