
Top 8 Risky Investments that Can Double Your Money

Investments are said to be risky if the investment platform gives a high rate of return in a short period. During this time, investors have the opportunity to double their money. Within this article, I cover the top 8 risky investments that can double your money. Let’s read down.

Risky Investments that can Double Your Money | Top 8

Below here are the best 8 risky investments that can double your money:

1. The Rule of 72

The rule of 72 is not a long-term investment plan. It is an easy way to tell how long your investment can take to double up. This is possible if you have a fixed annual interest rate. You can know when your investments will double up by simply dividing 72 by your annual rate of return. For instance, $1 invested at an annual fixed interest rate of 10% can take about 7 years to rise to $2.

2. Investing in Options

Several options offer high rewards for investors trying to double up their money. You can purchase a stock or commodity value at a specified price and save within a future date range. Within that future date range, your stock or commodity could increase in value. Then, you can sell it to double your money. Here, you will place time requirements on the purchase or sale of securities.

3. Initial Public Offerings (IPOs)

IPOs are risky investments that can double your money. These investments are risky since companies that reveal investing information to the public may or may not perform what they proffered to give.

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4. Venture Capital

Venture Capital is one of the risky investments that could double your money. It is all about investing your funds in a business to earn extra money. Here, what you will need to succeed is proper management, good marketing efforts, and a good location for the business. Your business should be one that can solve societal problems and other problems.

5. Foreign Emerging Markets

A country with a growing economy is the perfect investment opportunity. As an investor, you could buy government bonds and stocks, etc. that are currently rising. Then, you could sell the bonds and stocks when they are extremely rising. Most times, the risk during this extreme period is that it lasts for a short amount of time. So, as an investor, you will have to observe the markets critically.

6. Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs)

With REITs, you can get high dividends in exchange for tax breaks from the government. These investment trusts invest in ponds of residential or commercial real estate. All you need is a combination of risk management and your experience in investing. So, investing in Real Estate Investment Trusts could double your money in a twinkle of an eye.

7. High-Yield Bonds

High-Yield Bonds are risky investments that can give you two times of the money you invest. With high-yield bonds, you can get eye-catching returns in exchange for investing your money. High-yield bonds are issued either by a high-debt company or a foreign government. So, you could invest now and watch your money double up to what you never expected.

8. Currency Trading

Currency Trading also known as Forex trading falls among the top 8 risky investments that could double your money. It is mainly for professional traders or investors. Here, high-speed changes in exchange rates give a high-risk environment to traders and investors. You could seek out the patterns of specific currencies before investing to reduce risks.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What are the Riskiest Investments with the Highest Returns?

These are the riskiest investments with the highest returns:

  1. Crowdfunding
  2. Crypto Assets
  3. Foreign Exchange
  4. Hedge Funds
  5. Inverse & Leveraged ETFs
  6. Private Company Investments
  7. Promissory Note
  8. Real Estate-Based Securities

What is a Good Investment to Double Your Money?

An index fund based on the Standard & Poor’s 500 indexes is one of the more attractive ways to double your money. While investing in a stock fund is riskier than a bank CD or bonds, it’s less risky than investing in a few individual stocks.

What are Examples of Risky Investments?

These are some examples of risky investments:

  1. Cryptoassets (also known as cryptos)
  2. Mini-bonds (sometimes called high-interest return bonds)
  3. Land banking
  4. Contracts for Difference (CFDs)

What are the Easiest Ways to Double Your Money?

Effective ways to double your money are:

  1. Mutual Funds
  2. Kisan Vikas Patra (KVP)
  3. Corporate Bonds


To sum it up, finding an investment opportunity that allows you to double your money is almost impossible because of the risks involved. Well, in the above article, I listed out the best risky investments that can earn you a huge amount of money. Just try it and thank me later.

Best regards!

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