
The Best Index Funds In 2022

With the constant developments of both Mutual funds and ETFs, there has been an influx of Index funds to make investment smooth for you.

However, some funds have been more consistent in yielding returns over time. As a result, they are also topping the 2022 chart and have turned the heads of many towards their direction. 

This article highlights some of the best Index funds in 2022; we’d advise you to grab this opportunity to decide which of them you’d like to invest in. 

Best 2022 Index Funds

Due to factors like expense ratios, the ability to track the S&P, and sustainability over the years, Investors have tilted more towards these funds, amongst others. 

The best Index funds in 2022 are:

  1. Schwab S&P 500 Index Funds (SWPPX)
  3. Fidelity Large Cap ZERO Index (FNILX)
  4. Vanguard S&P 500 ETF (VOO)

Schwab S&P 500 Index Funds (SWPPX)

This mutual fund is the property of the notable Charles Schwab and exists since 1997.

Since it is a mutual fund, it trains daily and pays dividends annually. It is investor-friendly because of its low expense ratio of about 0.02. 

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This means a sum of $2 go to investment yearly for $10,000.

Its total return for the past ten years is 16.1%. It holds a total of 508 stocks. 

It tracks the S&P 500 fund and can be bought from the Schwab Platform.


The acronym, SPDR stands for Standard and Poor’s Depositary Receipt. 

This fund has sponsorship from State Street Global Advisors, who have recognition for their heavy input in the EFT industry. 

It was created in 1993. With a 4 out of 5-star rating from Morning Star, it is one of the most widely traded ETFs. 

The SPY index fund tracks the S&P 500 with a total of 500 holdings. It has an expense ratio of 0.09%, which is relatively low, although not lower than other funds. 

The SPDR can be bought through a brokerage account.

Fidelity Large Cap ZERO Index

The Fidelity 500 index fund traces its root back to 1988. However, Fidelity Large Cap ZERO Index was developed on September 13, 2018. 

Despite the recent development of this mutual fund, its performance is quite remarkable. The ZERO denotation explains its no-expense ratio. 

The FNILX has an asset under management of 5.61 billion and pays annual dividends. 

It holds 503 stocks with no minimum investment. It doesn’t officially track the S&P since it follows the Fidelity Large Cap Index. You can acquire it on the Fidelity platform.

Vanguard S&P 500 Index

This is one of the largest and most widely used funds. This ETF was created in 2010 and is sponsored by Vanguard. 

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Over the last ten years, VOO has had a total return of over 16.1%. It holds 508 stocks and pays dividends quarterly. 

It has an expense ratio of 0.03%. VOO can be acquired on platforms like Vanguard, Robinhood or M1 Finance.


This article clearly explains all you need to know about the best index funds in 2022. 

If you have any further questions about the best index funds in 2022 and how to acquire them, stick around our blog, and we’ll be more than glad to help you out.

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