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Top law careers

Top law careers– law is a lucrative career if your well trained and good at it. Someone who studies law is known as a lawyer and it is a profession of trained and qualified individuals who is given the mandate to practice law, conduct law suits, give legal advices as an attorney of law, counsel, interpreting and applying the law.

This article will give us the insight of the top law careers you can choose to enroll into or advise others to take as a course in the university.

To become a lawyer they are series of activities or programs you need to scale through. You will have to pass through numerous reading and writing of exams which would take you up to 7 years of full time study in the tertiary institution.

Some of those process includes: completing a bachelor’s degree program, which is the minimum requirement to gain admission into law school. Passing the law school admission test and then being able to complete the law school program.

Types of Top law Careers

  • Corporate lawyer

The duty of a corporate lawyer is to make sure that there is legality during transactions involving two or more people and others. They work to analyze and advise issues regarding legal rights and obligation when transacting business.

  • Patent lawyer
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The work of a patent lawyer is to assess what is patent or not, and also looking at issues related to designs and trademarks. They are majorly needed by individual inventors to help in indisputable legal terms, assessing existing patents and in cases of infringement defend them in court.

  • Criminal lawyer

A criminal lawyer is trained as a professional to defend people, individuals, companies and society facing criminal litigations in court. Their work is to investigate cases, conduct interviews, construct a defense and oppose plans, and in other cases negotiate to settle out of court.

  • Tax lawyer

The duty of a tax lawyer is to act majorly as a representative of a company, organizations or individuals who are dealing with federal, state or local tax agencies.

  • Real estate lawyer

They are trained top law profession that has the responsibility to help their clients in cases regarding commercial, residential real estate issues or challenges regarding tenants, neighbors, zoning and property development which also falls under real estate law.

They are charged with the responsibility of representing their clients in court in a case that may involve owner suing a tenant over unpaid rents and others.

  • Family lawyer

The sole duty of a family lawyer is to take care of family issues ranging from divorce, adoption, custody arrangements, prenuptial agreement and in some other cases child support, child custody and domestic abuse. To annul marriage and help in dividing properties.

  • Personal injury lawyer

This type of lawyers work with clients who lays claims of physical or psychological harm due to negligence or wrong doing of another party.

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When there is cases of injury or accident personal injury lawyers represent their clients in court inorder to obtain justice and compensation for any losses or suffering.


Choosing law as a profession is a noble act it only involves little quality and endurance inorder to scale through



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