Side Hustle

5 Ways to Make Money with a Drone

You probably enjoy taking breathtaking pictures with your drone. These pictures are undoubtedly amazing to look at but do you know you can make money with a drone? Now the question that pops up in your mind is most likely, “how can I make money with a drone?”

Just like you enjoy taking drone pictures or videos, people also enjoy getting drone coverage of their events, but not everyone owns a drone or can fly a drone. Now the picture is clear; people need you to help them out. It’s easy and fun, and soon, you’ll get familiar with the different ways through which you can make money with a drone.

Make Money with a Drone in 5 Simple Ways

Some of the ways you can make money with a drone are:

  • Photography and Videography
  • Mapping
  • Surveillance/Security
  • Teaching
  • Inspection

1. Photography and Videography

Photography is the most common way to make money with a drone. You can either choose to be creative with your images and promote them through social media, work with a client or own a virtual shop on Etsy or similar websites where you can sell your photography. However, you should ensure your drone is equipped with a gimbal and a quality camera to get high-definition aerial pictures and videos.

You could also make money with your drone by rendering your services to specific niches like:

  • Architecture
  • News reporting
  • Weddings
  • Sports Events
  • Real Estate
  • Concerts etc.
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2. Mapping

Mapping is a great way to make money with a drone if you are an expert at flying drones. Many industries ranging from construction, forest industry, and landscaping to archeology, topography, and mining are willing to pay you a substantial amount to take aerial pictures for reasons best known to them.

3. Surveillance/Security

Private security companies and government offices hire drone photographers to document events or watch their properties. Drones are less conspicuous compared to other devices for surveillance which makes the job easier and less dangerous. Plus, drones are meticulous and can reach almost every location.

4. Make Money from Teaching Others

As the saying goes: “no knowledge is a waste.” People will always be fascinated when they see someone good at what they do and would want to learn from such a person. You can leverage that to make money from teaching other beginner photographers.

5. Inspection

Insurance and construction companies and utility services providers often need the services of a drone photographer for inspecting facilities and buildings, which means it is another area you can tap into to make money with your drone. Inspections are mostly done to ensure there are no damages, and if there are, to know where and how to fix them.


Thanks to advancements in technology, people can now monetize just about any skill, yours inclusive. So, if you love to explore and have fun with your drone, it is time to consider how to make money with a drone. The listed options are a good start.

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