Making Money Online

The Top 5 YouTube Marketing Channels

As far as you are into marketing, you will undoubtedly need YouTube channels to help you make money online or drive customers, and leads to your offline business. It is preferable to use YouTube channels for marketing than other platforms due primarily to the fact that today, video content gains more patronage than textual content.

Second, YouTube has the largest volume of viewership compared to other video hosting platforms like Vimeo, Facebook, and Instagram. Besides, the platform is free to use and provides good analytics which makes it easy for one to observe the marketing trends at a given time.

In this article, I show the top 10 YouTube marketing channels that you should follow to learn and scale your marketing in 2022. Remember, when you learn from the best, you become like the best in a short time.

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Top 5 YouTube Marketing Channels in 2022

Below are the top 5 YouTube marketing channels that you should follow in 2022 to grow and make your marketing more efficient.

  1. Pat Flynn

Pat Flynn is one of the most respected, well-known, and most effective [YouTube] marketers in the world today and he runs one of the most effective YouTube marketing channels in 2022. As someone interested in marketing and making money online and offline, you can use this channel as your source of inspiration for effective marketing.

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On this channel, you will learn a variety of strategies that can help you to generate passive income and grow your business as well as get useful insights on current marketing-related challenges. Further, you will get useful pieces of advice on productivity. Also, if you want to learn how to manage a successful business, you should consider subscribing to this marketing-related YouTube channel. You will be glad you did.

  1. Ahrefs

Ahrefs is a foremost marketing and SEO company and owns one of the top YouTube marketing channels today. This channel is for both SEOs and online marketers. Here, you will acquire plenty of educational tutorials on SEO topics including link building, technical SEO, keyword research, and other popular trends in the SEO industry. Also, by following this channel you will learn how to boost your organic traffic using SEO.

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  1. Brian Dean

Brian Dean ranks among the SEO and internet marketers in the world today and runs a highly successful YouTube Marketing Channel. Beyond marketing, you can learn about SEO, link-building, content marketing strategies, how to increase organic traffic to your website, and how to raise your website’s rankings. You will also get to see some real-world examples and SEO case studies on this YouTube channel.

  1. Noah Kagan

On Noah Kagan’s YouTube channel, you will learn marketing skills, productivity tips, and growth hacking techniques. Also, you will get a detailed analysis and information on the business tactics of highly successful millionaires and billionaires around the world that are doing well for themselves in the world of marketing.

  1. Vanessa Lau

Vanessa Lau’s channel is the 5th of the top 10 YouTube marketing channels on this list. If you are into social media marketing, especially on Instagram, this channel is the right one for you. On this channel, you will be educated on the use of Instagram by content creators and business owners to interact with their audience and make money from it. Also, you will learn how to attract a loyal following, how to grow your Instagram following and many others.

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With the help of top YouTube marketing channels like the ones discussed in this article, you can stay informed and inspired on the latest happenings in the world of marketing. You can also depend on them for inspiration, marketing advice, and everything in between. Hence, utilizing these recommended channels can go a long way in helping you to develop your business and marketing strength.

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