Career Tips

Top 20 Jobs In Environmental Science

In recent years, the field of environmental science has been changing dramatically. You might be wondering how to get in on all the action. The solution? Consider the top 20 jobs in environmental science.

What are the top 20 jobs in environmental science?

There are many different types of jobs in environmental science, and each one has its own unique benefits and challenges. Here are the 20 most popular jobs in environmental science:

1. Environmental scientist
2. Biologist
3. Conservationist
4. Ecologist
5. Geographer
6. Hydrologist
7. Landscape architect
8. Meteorologist
9. Oceanographer
10. Soil scientist
11. Urban planner
12. Wildlife biologist
13. Water resources engineer
14. Marine scientist
15. Chemist
16. Environmental health and safety specialist
17. Environmental engineer
18. Environmental lawyer
19. Environmental quality officer
20. Conservation education specialist

How to become an environmental scientist

Becoming an environmental scientist can be a rewarding career choice. There are many different types of environmental scientists, and the field is growing rapidly. The most common type of environmental scientist is a research scientist. They conduct research on new ways to improve the environment and protect human health. They might work in a laboratory or in field settings.

The second most common type of environmental scientist is an environmental planner. They help businesses and governments make decisions about how to protect the environment. They might work with regulatory agencies or with clients to develop long-term plans.

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Environmental inspectors are also common in the environmental science field. They inspect businesses and other institutions to ensure they are complying with environmental laws. This can include checking for hazardous materials, monitoring pollution levels, and investigating reports of water contamination.

What is the salary range for different positions?

The salary range for different positions in environmental science is quite varied. However, most positions pay between $50,000 and $100,000. The highest-paid positions may earn as much as $150,000 or more.

How long does it usually take to obtain a degree in environmental science?

Most degrees in environmental science take four years to complete. However, some programs may take as long as six years to complete. This is due to the demanding nature of many of the courses required for a degree in this field.

Tools and equipment required for a career in environmental science

Environmental science is a field that uses tools and equipment to study the environment and the effects of human activities on it. In order to be a successful environmental scientist, you will need to have a strong background in math and science. You will also need to be able to use some tools and equipment to study the environment.

One of the most important tools an environmental scientist can use is a microscope. This tool allows you to see tiny details that other tools cannot. By studying the way different organisms interact with their environment, you can learn about how human activity affects the environment.

Environmental scientists also use Geographic Information Systems (GIS) software to map out data. By mapping out data, environmental scientists can see patterns that they would not be able to see if they only looked at data collected from experiments. Mapping out data also helps environmental scientists plan future experiments. They are so many other tools, so if you are interested in this field, do well to learn about them.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What jobs are related to environmental science?

Agricultural scientist
Environmental Consultant
Air pollution analyst
Recycling officer

What does an environmental scientist do?

Environmental scientists use the knowledge of natural sciences to protect the environment.

Is environmental sciences a good career?

Environmental science is a great degree with high potential prospects and well-paying jobs.

Are Environmental jobs in demand?

Environmental jobs are in high demand as they offer crucial services to the public.


Environmental science is an interesting and rapidly growing field, with many jobs available in the field. Whether you are looking for a career in environmental consulting, research, monitoring, or education, this top 20 list of jobs should be helpful in finding the right fit for you. Keep in mind that this is by no means a comprehensive list; if environmental science interests you but doesn’t appear on this list, don’t hesitate to search online for more job listings specific to your area of interest. Thank you for reading!

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