High Paying Jobs

The Highest Paying Construction Jobs

Construction jobs have been on the rise in recent years, and with the upswing comes a need for more skilled workers. In this article, we’ll explore what these high-paying construction jobs might be and why they could be right for you.

What is a construction job?

The construction job is a profession that involves assembling, building, and maintaining physical structures. The average salary for a construction worker can vary depending on the experience and education level of the individual. However, the average salary of a person who works in the construction sector is $76,460. There are several we’ll paying for construction jobs, some of which include:

Elevator installers and repairers

Construction workers who install and repair elevators are some of the highest-paid in the industry. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, elevator installers and repairers earned a median wage of $75,270. Elevator repairers have a median wage of $77,670, while elevator installers have a median wage of $79,910.

These jobs are in high demand as a result of the increasing popularity of elevators as both residential and commercial buildings become more populated. Elevator installation and repair is a physically demanding job that requires strong manual dexterity and good coordination. If you have experience installing or repairing elevators, or if you are seeking a high-paying career in construction, consider pursuing an elevator installer or repairer certification program.

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The boilermaker is a skilled trades person who assembles and repairs steam, hot water, and heating systems in commercial buildings and homes. With a high degree of technical proficiency, boilermakers are in high demand by both the construction and maintenance industries.

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The average annual salary for boilermakers was $75,780. The highest paying construction jobs for boilermakers include installation and repairing boilers, installing and repairing heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems, and working on industrial boilers.

Construction and building inspector

Construction and building inspector jobs offer some of the highest salaries in the industry. An average construction and building inspector earned around $72,000 in 2016, the Bureau of Labor Statistics. In addition, this career field offers a variety of benefits, such as paid vacation time and health insurance.

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Construction electricians are responsible for maintaining and repairing electrical systems in commercial and industrial buildings. They also may be called upon to troubleshoot and repair circuits and wiring in such facilities. Electricians typically need a four-year degree in electrical engineering or a related field, plus two years of experience working on electrical systems. They also must have certification from the National Electrical Contractors Association (NECA) or the National Institute for Standards and Technology (NIST).

The median annual wage for construction electricians is $83,570, as reported by Labor Department. The top 10 percent of earners made more than $107,710 annually.


Carpenters make an average salary of $47,000 per year. The top 10 percent of carpenters earn over $70,000 per year. In the United States of America, carpentry is one of the most popular construction occupations. Carpenters are in high demand because they are able to work with a variety of materials and build things from scratch. There are many types of carpentry jobs, but the highest paying ones tend to be in construction.

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If you’re looking for high-paying construction jobs, you’ve come to the right place. In this article, we’ve covered some of the highest-paying construction jobs and how you can qualify for them. Check this article for more information Top high-paying construction jobs. To get more tips on high paying jobs, kindly visit DailyGam.com.

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