High Paying Jobs

3 highest paying jobs in oil and gas transmission

Over the years, the oil and gas sector has produced many high-paying jobs, including the most lucrative jobs in the world. While these jobs may involve mostly physical labor, the oil and gas industry has evolved, and with the introduction of modern technology, work has been made easy. Before we consider the top high-paying jobs in oil and gas transmission, it’s best first to understand what oil and gas transmission is all about.

What’s oil and gas transmission about?

Oil and gas transmission is one of the main sectors of the natural gas industry that involves the transmission of natural gas into liquid form. It usually involves the transportation of natural gas through a pipe system. The oil and gas transmission system has been used for a long time and is quite lucrative. So if you are interested in this sector, you’ve made the right decision. All you need is the right skills and qualifications, and you are ready to handle a well-paying job in the oil and gas transmission sector.

Top best paying jobs in oil and gas transmission

Working in the oil and gas transmission has many benefits, including financial success, traveling opportunities, diverse experience, and skill improvement. The oil and gas sector offers many high-paying jobs, some of which include:

Pipeline drilling engineer

This is another high-paying job in the oil and gas transmission industry, and with the necessary qualification, you can work as a pipeline drilling engineer. As a pipeline drilling engineer, you will be paid to find the location of natural gas, petroleum, or crude oil. Afterward, you’d be expected to look for a way to take them out of the ground. To be a pipeline mining engineer, you need to be able to extract oil, display good communication skills, have good stamina, be good at solving problems, and have other technical skills.

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Average annual salary: $81,190

Pipeline petroleum engineer

Another high-paying job in the oil and gas transmission sector is Pipeline petroleum engineer. A pipeline petroleum engineer is involved in the development and production of oil and gas. This career requires expertise because, as a pipeline petroleum engineer, you will be required to come up with plans and innovative ideas on how to extract oil and gas. A pipeline petroleum engineer is also tasked with monitoring the drilling and extraction process during oil and gas extraction.

Average annual salary: $101,165

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Mechanical Engineer

A mechanical engineer earns impressive pay in the oil and gas transmission sector. A mechanical engineer requires mostly technical skills, as a mechanical engineer is in charge of drilling oil and gas. Such an individual is also responsible for refining and designing instruments used in the drilling and extraction process of oil and gas. The skills you need to become a mechanical engineer include professionalism, problem-solving, excellent communication, and, most importantly, technical skills.

Average annual salary: $73,009


The oil and gas industry offers a long list of lucrative opportunities, and if you are planning to go into this sector, you’ve made the right choice. Check out some of the jobs in this sector and pick the one you best qualify for. For more information on oil and gas transmission jobs, visit Dailygam.com.

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