Career Tips

How to Write A Police Officer Resume

Have you been considering a career in law enforcement? Do you have experience as a police officer or military member? If so, read this article to learn how you can write your police resume to get the job!

8 Steps to Writing an Outstanding Police Officer Resume

1. Start with a strong objective or summary statement.

2. List your relevant work experience and skills.

3. Highlight your education and training.

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4. Use strong action verbs to describe your accomplishments.

5. Tailor your resume to the specific job you are applying for.

6. Focus on the positive aspects of your career.

7. Use keywords from the job description in your resume.

8. Proofread your resume for grammar and spelling errors. 9-10 Edit and revise as needed

How to Start Your Prospective Police Officer Resume

If you are looking to become a police officer, your resume is going to be key in helping you get your foot in the door. There are a few things you may need to keep in mind as you start working on your resume. Here are some tips on how to write a police officer resume:

1. Start with a strong summary statement. This is your chance to grab the reader’s attention and give them an overview of your qualifications.

2. Make sure to list any relevant experience, education, and training. This is what will set you apart from other candidates and show that you are qualified for the job.

3. Use strong action verbs to describe your accomplishments. This will help paint a picture of what kind of employee you are and what you are capable of achieving.

4. Highlight any special skills or awards that you have received. These can be anything from firearms training to first aid certification. Anything that makes you stand out should be included here.

5. Be sure to proofread your resume before sending it off. Typos or grammar errors can make you look unprofessional and could cost you the job opportunity.

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What Skills to Include on a Police Officer Resume

When writing a police officer resume, it is important to include skills that will demonstrate your ability to perform the job. Some essential skills for a police officer resume include:

-Communication skills: Police officers must be able to communicate effectively with the public and with other officers.

-Interpersonal skills: Police officers must be able to interact with people from all walks of life.

-Problem-solving skills: Police officers must be able to identify and solve problems quickly and efficiently.

-Writing skills: Police officers must be able to write reports and documentation clearly and concisely.

What Information to Include in Your Police Officer Resume

When writing a police officer resume, it is important to include all relevant information. This includes your contact information, education, training, work experience, and any other relevant information.

Your contact information should include your name, address, phone number, and email address. Your education should include the name and location of the school you attended, as well as your degree or certification. Your training should include any special courses or programs you have completed related to law enforcement.

Your work experience should include your necessary info, job title, employer, dates of employment, and a brief description of your duties. If you have any volunteer or community service experience related to law enforcement, be sure to include that as well. Finally, be sure to list any awards or recognition you have received related to your work in law enforcement.

Examples of a Successful Police Officer Resume

When writing a police officer resume, it is important to highlight your experience and training in law enforcement. Your resume should also include any special skills or abilities that you have that may be relevant to the position you are applying for. Here are some examples of a successful police officer resume:

-Experience working in a high-pressure environment

-Excellent communication and interpersonal skills

-Ability to defuse tense situations

-Strong investigative and problem-solving skills

-Flexibility and adaptability to change

-Proven leadership qualities

-Valid driver’s license with a clean driving record

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Frequently Asked Questions

What attributes make a good police officer?

A good police officer is someone who is honest, has integrity, is hardworking, and is dedicated to serving and protecting the community. They are also someone who is physically fit and able to handle the demands of the job.

What skills can I put in my resume?

If you want to become a police officer, there are certain skills that you will need to put on your resume. These skills include:

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-Communication skills: Police officers need to be able to communicate effectively with the public and with their fellow officers. They need to be able to give and receive instructions clearly and concisely.

-Problem-solving skills: Police officers need to be able to identify and solve problems quickly and efficiently. They need to be able to think on their feet and make decisions under pressure.

-Physical fitness: Police officers need to be physically fit in order to perform their duties effectively. They need to be able to chase suspects, restrain people, and handle other physically demanding tasks.

-Leadership skills: Police officers need to be able to lead their fellow officers and provide direction during difficult situations. They also need to be able to build relationships with the community members they serve.

What is a good objective to put on a resume for a police officer?

When writing a resume for a police officer position, it is important to include an objective that outlines what you are hoping to achieve in the role. A good objective for a police officer resume might look something like this:

“To secure a position as a police officer where I can use my training and experience to serve the community and keep everyone safe.”

Including an objective on your resume helps to give the reader an idea of your goals and what you are hoping to achieve in the role. When writing your objective, be sure to focus on how you can benefit the department and community rather than what you hope to gain from the position.


A police officer’s resume should highlight an applicant’s experience, education, and training. It should also list any relevant skills, such as public speaking, writing, and multitasking. An applicant’s ability to speak Spanish or another language may also be beneficial. Those interested in becoming police officers can learn more about the job by visiting their local police department or contacting their state’s law enforcement agency. For more resume tips, kindly visit

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