Career Tips

Tips on writing a farewell email to coworkers

Wishing your coworkers all the best on the next step in their careers can be difficult. However, it’s important to do it in a way that doesn’t sting or come off as callous. Here are some tips for writing a farewell email that will leave your coworkers feeling appreciated and loved:

 Make it personal

Add personal touches to the email, like photos of you and your coworkers during happy times together or references to specific moments from the past year. This will make the email seem more like a goodbye letter from friends rather than an impersonal notification.

 Keep it short and sweet

The goal is to send a message that feels sincere but not overwhelming. Aim for around 50-60 words max.

 Stay positive

Don’t write anything negative about the coworker because that will only hurt their feelings and potentially lead to a rift between you all. Instead, focus on things you admire about them and what they have brought to the table.

Offer support after they move on

If your coworker moves on to another job or takes a break from work, offer support and encouragement in whatever way you can. Let them know you’re always there if

How to write a farewell email to coworkers

When it comes time to say goodbye to coworkers, there are a few key things to keep in mind. Start by writing down what you want to say, be sincere, and then make sure to be specific. For example, if you want to thank them for their contributions over the years, mention specific projects or tasks they helped with.

Don’t be afraid to be personal either – telling them how much you’ll miss working together is a simple way to show that you care. If you’re feeling emotional, allow yourself the space to express that in your email. And don’t forget the practicalities: send a retirement gift or offer to join the colleague on future professional outings. Finally, make sure your email is short and sweet – no need for flowery language here!

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You can also express gratitude for the lessons learned – whether those were technical tips or just friendly advice. Finally, make sure to send a copy of your farewell email to everyone involved, so there are no surprises when it arrives in their inboxes.

What to include in a farewell email to coworkers

If you are leaving your workplace, there are certain things you should include in your farewell email to your coworkers. The email should be personal and reflect the relationship that you have with them. You may want to consider sharing a funny story or telling them how much you appreciate their contributions over the years.

Ensure to thank them for their contributions and let them know that you look forward to continuing to work together in the future. Include any helpful advice or suggestions that you have for them going forward. Finally, tell them when and where the send-off party will be and invite them to attend.

Sample of a Farewell email to coworkers

Hello team,
This may be my final email to all of you. I’ve enjoyed every moment of working with you and will miss your company immensely. Thank you for everything!

Best, ____

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Frequently Asked Questions

How do you say goodbye professionally?

When it’s time to say goodbye to coworkers, there are a few things you should keep in mind. First, make sure your email is personalized and thoughtful. Second, be concise and to the point. Finally, make sure to send out a farewell that reflects your personality and leaves a lasting impression.

What is some goodbye farewell sayings?

To say goodbye to coworkers is bittersweet, but it’s important to do it the right way. Here are some farewell sayings to help you express your gratitude and farewell in a heartfelt way:

  • “It’s been great working with you.
  • I’ll never forget the times we’ve laughed together.”
  • “I’ll miss our conversations and the lunches we would eat together.”
  • “Thank you for your help during my tenure here.
  • I wish you all the best in your future endeavors.”
  • “I’ll always remember how much fun we had together and I hope to see you soon.”
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What do you say on your last day of work?

On your last day of work, it’s important to send a heartfelt email to your coworkers. Here are some tips on how to write the perfect farewell:

1. Start by thanking everyone for their friendship over the past year or so. You’ll likely feel grateful for all the connections you’ve made, and it will be nice to let them know that.

2. Say goodbye in terms of what you hope to gain from working together in the future. This could be anything from new ideas to perspectives on problems you’ve been having at work. Be specific and honest about what you’re looking forward to and why it matters to you.

3. Stress the importance of continuing communication in the future. It’s important that everyone knows they can always reach out if they need help or advice, even after you leave the company.

4. Finally, offer any final words of wisdom or encouragement for the colleagues still at work. Also, assure them know that they can count on you if there are any bumps in their journey ahead, and thank them once again for their friendship during your time at work.


Sometimes, it can be hard to say goodbye to your coworkers. Whether you have been with them for years or just met them recently, sending a heartfelt farewell email can make the process a little easier. We’ve considered the necessary steps for writing a farewell email to coworkers. You can draft your by following the above steps or the sample provided above. For more tips like this, kindly visit

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