High Paying Jobs

Top Healthcare jobs in Canada

Canada is known to be the home to the best public healthcare systems in the world and has, over the years, offered both foreigners and locals many opportunities in the healthcare sector. Working in the health care sector comes with a lot of benefits. One such benefit is that it offers the opportunity to help improve people’s health. Other benefit includes diverse experience, monetary benefits, and exposure to medical advancements.

Top healthcare jobs in Canada

There are several job opportunities in the healthcare sector in Canada, and getting to know about the duties and average salary for each job will help you choose the right job to go for. Here are the top healthcare jobs in Canada:


A surgeon refers to a medical professional who is responsible for repairing damaged tissues, organs, or through, through different surgical procedures. They take care of all medical conditions that require surgery. There are different surgeons that specialize in different areas. For example, a neurosurgeon handles diseases or illnesses related to the brain, a pediatric surgeon takes care of children, a thoracic surgeon operates on the heart, and an ophthalmologist performs surgeries relating to the eye. There are several other types of surgeons, and their role largely depends on which part of the body they specialize in and the surgical techniques they employ.

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Average annual salary: $279,959


The major duty of a midwife is to care for pregnant women. They are healthcare professionals who care for a woman during pregnancy and at the point of delivery. Some of their duties involve offering to counsel, performing routine checks, monitor patience progress, and helping her during labor.

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Average annual salary: $110,228


A Chiropractor is one who specializes in treating spine-related disease, pain, or damage. They treat patients with neck or back pain and diagnose and treat diseases such as arthritis and damaged nerves, bones, or muscles.

Average annual salary: $88,328


A psychiatrist can be defined as a medical doctor who takes care of patients with mental or behavioral issues. They deal with the study, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of various mental disorders. Some illnesses they treat include depression, eating disorder, harmful addictions, bipolar disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, and other mental illnesses.

Average annual salary: $361,207

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This is one of the highest-paying jobs in the healthcare sector. An anesthesiologist administers anesthesia to patients before surgery. This is to ensure that they don’t feel pain during surgery. They monitor before, during, and after surgery. They do not only administer anesthesia. They also deal with emergency situations, offer pain management advice and perform the assessment in critical care units.

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Average annual salary: $361,207

Massage therapist

A massage therapist treats patients with damaged muscles and body teaching them using different massage techniques. They are massage experts who help patients rehabilitate injuries, alleviate stress, and relieve pain. They usually specialize in different types of massage techniques, known as modalities, and they apply different massage techniques peculiar to the client’s needs.


There are several other high-paying jobs in the health sector in Canada. So if you are into the medical sector and looking forward to working in the healthcare sector, you have a long list of opportunities to explore. To learn more about jobs in Canada read Top healthcare jobs in Canada. Also, visit Dailygram.com for more tips on jobs.

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