Christian Living

Ask And You Shall Receive, What Does This Term Mean?

Ask and you shall receive, what does this mean? When we ask or request something, some people think that this is a sign of weakness and vulnerability. However, it is not supposed to be so, they are saying an opposite view. 

Asking is not usually easy, especially from man to man, however, Asking can be an act of power and strength. The only reason why we are afraid to ask for something is that we are afraid of being rejected.

Asking is not about waiting for the other person to answer. It’s about asking in a way that gets you the answer you want. 

There is a big myth about “ask and you shall receive”, we will know more about It in this article, we shall know the myth surrounding it, what the word ask means in the Bible, why God says you should ask, and a lot more. Take a glass cup of wine as we proceed.

What Is The Myth Behind Asking?

Ask and you shall receive, what is the myth surrounding this term? When you ask, people will think less of you if you ask for something. But, this is not true. Asking can be seen as a sign of enthusiasm, and eagerness and can also help someone build a strong and reliable relationship with others.

What Does God Say About Asking In The Bible

As said in this article above on how hard asking can seem to be especially when asking from your fellow friends or people who are not related to you, most times you will even feel shameful or like a low self-esteemed being. 

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Ask and you shall receive

However, you can’t compare God with man, it was said in the Bible that you must ask and it shall be given unto you, God ordered you to ask, it is only God you can ask something from without feeling a sense of shame, guilt, or weakness. 

Ask and you shall receive, God knows everything you are passing through, but all he is just waiting for is for you to ask, you need to talk through your mouth, you need to speak out to God so he can meet your needs. It is only when you ask that you shall be given what you asked for. 

Stories Of People Who Asked In The Bible

We all know many stories about people who asked God for help, one way or another in the Bible. Thousands of them that we can’t even say much about, but if we read our scripture, we can still remember some illustrations. 

But if you have forgotten, well, don’t be bamboozled, some illustrations of people whose needs were met by God will be explained below. 

We all know the story of Abraham, and how many years it took him to begat a son. He asked times without a number, praying with a strong faith until God finally met his needs. 

We have also heard about how David killed Goliath, how he commanded the spirit of God on his catapult and stones, and how he finally used one of the stones to kill this giant man. 

We have also heard about how Samson in the Bible asks God for more strength so he can kill his enemies at once when his eyes were plucked out and he was tied and made a joke in a room filled with thousands of souls. 

It does not end here as we also know about the story of Hannah in the Bible, Hannah who is barren. She prayed, wept, and asked God for the provision of a baby which God finally met at the point of her needs.  

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Who Can You Ask Something From?

Asking is not limited to any man, if you need something, it is better you speak out, you can as well ask your friends and relatives for support. Don’t also forget that God is the ultimate provider so he can meet all your needs. 

Ask, Seek And Knock, Understand These Terms

These three principle works hand in hand, as it is written in the Bible that we should ask and he shall be granted unto us, it was also said that we should seek and we shall find what we seek for, and also we should knock, and the door shall be open unto us. 


Following what we discussed above, asking will help to reduce your stress, and build good relationships with confidence. Don’t also forget that as you ask, you should also give, Givers never lack, so if you have, give between your limits. 

If you need God’s blessings, just do his will, the door is already opened for you, just for you to knock. 

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