Men of God

Pastor Shepherd Bushiri Biography, Family, Education, Career, Ministry And Net Worth

Who is pastor Shepherd Bushiri? Well, you might not be familiar with his name especially if you are a newbie in Christian lives or you don’t engage in listening to sermons and preachings that were made on media. 

Pastor Shepherd Bushiri is a wonderful man of God that is well known all over his country and even in the world at large. 

He is a cool and gentle being and he is also a great preacher which has earned him lots of respect and values. 

Well, don’t be perplexed if this seems too hard or You are getting it hard to understand more about this great Man of god.

In this article, we are going to discuss in-depth pastor Bushiri’s biography, his family, career, education, ministry, and net worth. Now take a glass cup of wine and follow me as I unleash them. 

Biography Of Pastor Shepherd Bushiri 

This great man of God was born and birthed into a nice family of Huxley and Christiana Bushiri in the city of Lilongwe located in the country Malawi in the month of February 23 in the year 1983. 

The great pastor was said To be the fourth child amongst the Six (6) children born by his parents.

This was where he grew up and he began to do more great things that made him popular on the internet and as well in the faces of many individuals. Let’s get a look at his education and career below

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Shepherd Bushiri Education And Career

With his education history, shepherd Bushiri is very serious and filled with focus and determination he loves to attend school. 

After his primary education, this man of God strives harder as he attends Moyale secondary school in Mzuzu, Malawi. After the session, he graduated and received his SSCE certificate. 

Pastor Shepherd Bushiri did not stop here, he went further to attain a university-level education at ST Thomas along Virginia island in the US.

The university is focused on teaching through online and virtual means and with the aim of equipping people for Christ ministry. 

How Prophet Bushiri Discover His Purpose

Surrounding the pastor’s birth, a vision was been made to him by a prophet concerning his greatness. Because of this revelation, he went harder and deeper to discover his purpose in life. 

The turning point of this great man of God and what paved the way for him is that he had a dream where he saw a supernatural being telling him to go and preach to people to repent from their sins. It was at this point that he surrendered his life to Jesus Christ. 

After all, this great man of God started his own ministry and took on the dedication to serve God. He selected many boys from Zolozolo town in Mzuzu and he made them pastors. 

After many years of establishing his ministry, he moved to the country capital Lilongwe where he did not have enough time to either stay or even visit his hometown. 

During this period, he performed several miracles and healing crusades that paved the way and make name for himself. 

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Pastor Shepherd Bushiri Success

In the world today and in Africa, this man of God has been known for his great prophecies that usually do lots of wonders. 

He has influenced so many people with his good ambition and positive lifestyle, his ministry had grown to a congregation of over 200,000 across Malawi and South Africa. Indeed this man has great success stories. After all, he married Mary Zgambo. 

Net Worth Of Pastor Shepherd Bushiri 

Being a businessman, author, speaker, evangelist, and others, this great man of God had made a lot and a good amount of money. With all he got, his net worth is estimated to be around 90 million USD.


Pastor Bushiri is a great man who has done lots of miracles. He is also calm and gives to poor people who can’t afford the basic needs of life. He has written his name in the sand of time. 

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