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Best College Majors For A Money-Making Career

College majors are often considered as the surest way to make money. People with higher educational qualifications generally earn higher salaries. However, not all college degrees earn equally. Before deciding on a major, it’s wise to know the best college majors with high employment rates and high levels of income.

In this article, I have covered the top 10 college majors for a lucrative career.

Best College Majors For A Money-Making Career

1. Computer Engineering

Computer engineering involves computer hardware research, design, developing, and improving computer systems, and other components like circuit boards, networks, and routers. According to CompTIA, computer engineers make up the second-largest category of tech jobs.

They earn a starting salary of $83,100 and a mid-career salary of $135,000.

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If you decide to major in this, prepare for a loaded math and physics curriculum as well as classes in computer architecture, digital logic design, and systems programming.

2. Computer Science

The second best major spot also has to do with tech. Different from computer engineering, computer science involves more software than hardware. Those who major in this turn out to be system analysts, web developers, and programmers; these are some of the leading careers in the world today.

These professionals earn a starting salary of $79,700 and a mid-career salary of $130,000.

3. Electrical Engineering

The demand for people who can design, build and improve electronic and electrical devices is rising. Electrical engineering entails courses like circuit analysis and design, digital systems, electric components and tools, and semiconductor technology which aid in the development of these electrical devices. It is one of the best college majors you should consider if you’re good in physics and physics-related courses.

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Electrical engineers earn a starting salary of $77,500 and a mid-career salary of $123,000.

4. Chemical Engineering

This is the study of chemistry and materials science to produce commercial goods by adding engineering. Chemical engineers earn a starting salary of $77,100 and a mid-career salary of $130,000.

Courses for this major include biochemistry, chemical kinetics, and thermodynamics, as well as many other types of math and science.

5. Aerospace Engineering

Majoring in Aerospace engineering can lead to careers in science research, engineering design, marketing or software development or marketing, and so many others. Starting salary for these careers is usually $76,400 and a mid-career salary of $131,000.

6. Mechanical Engineering

This is the part of engineering that has to do with the study of machines, what they’re made of and how they work. Courses like circuit analysis, fluid mechanics, materials science and thermodynamics, and others are taken in this course. It can be overwhelming but this is one of the best college majors as professionals in this field make a starting salary of $74,900 and a mid-career salary of $115,000.

7. Industrial Engineering

Our seventh spot still goes to engineering. Industrial engineers develop systems to aid and fasten the production process and provide services. These engineers earn a starting salary of $72,000 and a mid-career salary of $115,000.

8. Physics

We’re finally done with engineers but haven’t left the world of science yet. Physics is also one of the best college majors for a lucrative career. Physics majors earn a starting salary of $70,900 and a mid-career salary of $125,000.

Majoring in this will require you to prepare for a lot of computational, modern, and nuclear physics, as well as math.

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9. Operations Management

This involves the business world. It involves controlling the processes that determine outputs from businesses. Operations managers earn a starting salary of $70,800 and a mid-career salary of $107,000.

Majoring in this course will require you to study courses like operating systems, quality management, product design, supply chain management, and inventory control.

10. Management Information Systems

Last on our list of best college majors is Management Information system. It is a combination of business and technology. It focuses on the study of implementing technology within a company or organization. These operators earn a starting salary of $70,300 and a mid-career salary of $119,000.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Major Will Make Me The Most Money?

Physics majors who go into physics, astronomy, and other sciences have an average salary range between $93,138 and $167,402.

What Is The Best Degree In The World?

The best degree can vary by student. Many students may find a subject or field they are passionate about immediately. For students who are undecided, taking a variety of courses and meeting with a counselor could be a good option.


From this article, you can see that some of the best college majors are science related. This is because the world has become a digital one and the demand for these professionals is on the increase. For a money-making career, these are some of the majors you should consider.

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