Career Tips

What to do before you apply for a job

The very first way you present yourself to a potential hirer/employer is through your job application. It is very important that you do it correctly. In this article, we’re going to cover all the things you should do before applying for that job.

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Getting Ready to Apply for Jobs

You may have found an advertisement for a job posting and the company looks like one you’d love to work with. If you fit all the employer’s qualifications, there are things you should carefully consider instead of applying for the job right away.

What to do before you apply for a job

Think of the job posting as a lead. It will help you form a better strategy for your job application and get you noticed by the employer.

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  • Improve your social media profiles.

After your application, the first thing an employer looks at is your social media profiles. Make sure your social media profiles are displaying what you want employers to see

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Your LinkedIn profile should be updated with your latest experience. Also remove anything from your Twitter or Facebook you wouldn’t want an employer to see.

  • Do some research about the organization.

Research the company after reading through the job posting. Generally, this gives you a better idea of what the company does and how you can market yourself to the employer. 

Browse through the employer’s website and read through their career page. Read anything about the people who work there and scroll through their company news.

  • Find the name and email of the hiring manager

To make sure your application ends up in the right hands after doing your research on the company, locate the details of the hiring manager. This gives you the ability to customize a cover letter for your job application.

This way, your job application to the hiring manager is more effective than applying through the job posting. It gives you direct contact with the employer.

  • Connect with current employees in that company

Where you do not possess any connections with the employer, or you want to solidify the odds of getting hired, connect with employees. Reach out to currently employed persons in the company and build your network.

Add them on LinkedIn or send an email. Introduce yourself and make it clear that you want to learn more about their organization. You may be offered some tips on how to apply for the job and some insight as to work experience under a common employer.

  • Adjust your cover letter to fit the position
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With all the information you have gathered from your research and networking, write a resume and cover letter, tailored to the position you intend to be hired for. Create an application that demonstrates your interest in working for the company.

These steps will increase the odds and help your application against other job seekers.

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