
Resume Mistakes to Avoid

Resume Mistakes to Avoid

At a time like this where job opportunities are hard to find, it is important you get everything right the first time. A mistake in your resume, no matter how small you think it is, matters a lot in the eyes of the employers. Finding them in your resume is an automatic disqualification for such applicant and you don’t want this applicant to be you.

Before preparing your resume, evaluate yourself properly, reflecting on your weakness and your strengths, also think about the goals you want to achieve both on the short and long-term. Realize your competitor skills and think about the skills that will set you apart from them.

After a thorough and careful thought about all this, the final part will be to put down in writing. Below, you will learn the biggest mistakes to avoid while creating your resume.

Grammatical Errors

Since you are applying for a professional position, it’s time to also write like one. Avoid making mistakes in your spellings and sentences arrangements as this is one of the things employers use to disqualify applicants. You might think, since you are not applying for teaching jobs or one that involves writing accuracy, the employer will not be very concerned with your spellings and grammar. The answer is absolutely no.

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Correct spellings and clear grammars are necessities in any job position as this will promote clear communication with both your coworker and clients.

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Passive Language Usage

Nothing sounds very confusing as using passive sentences. It is very boring to read resumes that were created using passive language, lots of words and at the same time leads to prepositional phrases. It is advisable to make use of active voice and a blend of action words throughout your resume.

Missing Contact Information

As a standard, the top of your resume must include these key contact items. Your name, address, an email and your phone number. Your address lets the employer knows know your current location while your email and phone number will be used to contact you regarding the job you applied for.

You might decide to add a link to your portfolio website or page. Adding more information than this is a total waste.

Not Organized

Ensure your resume details are easy to read and skim through, with headings bold and minor information in italics. Using a black and white format is preferable to excessively colorful resume with plenty of borders and other design elements.

Make sure you add proper line spacings after each item to make it easier to read the material. When outlining details below a section, make use of bullets to differentiate each.

Too Broad/Long

Never create a resume that is too long, unless the position you are applying for is an executive position. A good resume should be one page, at most two pages. Ensure you capture all the basic details using few words, also get rid of irrelevant sentences and descriptions.


The article has highlighted the most common mistakes applicants should avoid while creating their resumes. Apply all these tips when creating your resume in other to land that your dream job. Keep following Dailygam Job for more deep research topics in landing and maintaining a career.

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