Social Media

How To Unblock Someone On Instagram

It’s important to stay connected with your loved ones, friends, and followers in the world of social media. You may have blocked someone on Instagram because you were frustrated or annoyed with them. You want to unblock the person now. In this blog post, we will show you how to easily unblock someone on Instagram.

Why You Might Want To Unblock Someone On Instagram

Blocking is a feature that allows you to restrict certain people’s access to your account, which can be useful in situations where you don’t want someone following or messaging you. There are couple of reasons why you might want to unblock someone on Instagram. Maybe you’ve changed your mind and want to re-establish contact with the person.

We’ve all been there; perhaps you’ve mended an old friendship and want to unblock the person; there’s a quick and easy way to do so. To unblock someone on Instagram, follow these steps:

1. From your homepage, go to the upper right corner of the screen and click the “Gear” icon.

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2. Click on “Settings.”

3. Locate “Blocking” under “Account Settings.”

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4. Next to the person you want to unblock, click the “Unblock” button.

5. Confirm that you want to unblock the user, and they will be removed from your account.

How To View Your Instagram Blocked Accounts List

When you block someone on Instagram, they are added to a list of “blocked accounts” in your settings. You can see who has blocked you and even unblock them from this list.

1) To open settings, click the three lines in the top-right corner of your profile page.

2) At the bottom of the menu, select “settings.”

3) Select the “privacy” option.

4) Click “Blocked Accounts” to see the list of users you’ve blocked.

5) If you’re ready to unblock the user, tap the “unblock” button next to the account.

How to Unblock Someone on Instagram Via Direct Message

If you’ve had a conversation with the person you want to unblock, simply go to the chat and unblock them from there. Follow the steps below:

1) Select the “Message” icon in the upper right corner of your screen.

2) Locate and select the profile you want to unblock.

3) At the bottom of the message screen, click the “Unblock” button.

4) A pop-up message will appear. To confirm your action, click “Unblock.”

How To Unblock Someone Through Their Instagram Profile

If you have blocked someone on Instagram but now feel the need to communicate with them, there are a few options. You can unblock someone by going to their account directly.

1) Find and open the profile of the person you’d like to unblock.

2) In their profile, click the “Unblock” button.

3) Confirm that you want to unblock them. On the pop-up message, tap “Unblock.”

Frequently Asked Questions

1) What happens if I block someone on Instagram?

When you block someone, their likes and comments on your photos and videos are removed totally. Unblocking the person will not bring back their previous likes and comments on your posts.

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2) How Do You Know If Your Instagram Account Has Been Unblocked?

If you’ve been unblocked by someone on Instagram, you won’t get a notification. Instead, search for the profile. You will know if they’ve unblocked you if their account appears in the search results and you can see their stories, and posts.

3) Can The Person Who Blocked Me On Instagram See My Profile?

Blocked users on Instagram can still see your likes and comments on posts shared by other accounts they follow. After you block someone, they will be unable to see your post, profile, mention or tag you.

4) How many times on Instagram can I block and unblock someone?

There’s no limit to the number of times you can unblock and block someone. It doesn’t matter how many times you change your mind. You can take this action as many times as you want.


Regardless of why you needed to unblock someone on Instagram in the first place, you now know how to do so, even if they blocked you first. This user can now find you using the search bar, send you a direct message, and read your posts and stories.

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