Social Media

Does Instagram Notify When You Screenshot a Story

You may have needed to take a screenshot of an Instagram story, post, or direct message so you could send it to a friend or repost. But after you do that, you might start to ask questions like “Does Instagram notify when you screenshot a story?” Nevertheless, we have decided to create this content to answer your question. Read on.

Does Instagram Notify When You Screenshot a Story?

No, Instagram doesn’t let the other person know when you take a screenshot of their story.

We’ve all wanted to take a picture of a story so we could send it to a friend or repost. We feel a bit nervous when we take that screenshot, and then we imagine, “Will the owner know if I screenshot this?”

So, if someone takes a picture of your Instagram story, you won’t know about it. They used to send notifications, but for privacy reasons, they stopped doing that a few years ago.

Does Instagram Notify When You Screenshot A Reel?

No, Instagram doesn’t tell the other user when someone takes screenshot or record of their Instagram reel.

So, if you take a screenshot or record of an Instagram reel, the owner won’t know about it.

Does Instagram Notify When You Screenshot A Post?

Instagram won’t tell the other person when you take a screenshot of their post. So, if someone takes a picture of your Instagram post, you won’t know about it. Therefore, you’re free to take screen shots!

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Does Instagram Notify When You Screenshot A Message?

When you take a screenshot of a direct message on Instagram, sometimes, the notification is a little different. Instagram doesn’t let the user know when you take a screenshot of a direct message they sent you from their camera roll or a direct message that was just text.

But Instagram might let them know if you take a screenshot of a photo or video sent to you via direct message with the disappearing feature turned on.

How Do I Screenshot An Instagram Story, Posts Or Reels Without Getting Detected

Before we go fully into this section, if it’s a photo or video that was only meant for you to see, we advice you to think twice before sharing it without the other person’s permission because it could cause trouble.

As was already said, the only time Instagram will let the other user know you took a screenshot is if you took a screenshot of a photo or video sent via direct message that’s set to disappear after a particular amount of time.

So, let’s say you want to avoid being caught by taking a screenshot of an image or video, there are currently 3 ways to do this. They are:

1) Open Instagram in Web Browser

You can open Instagram in a web browser to take a screenshot without letting Instagram know. If you open your Instagram account in a web browser, go to your direct messages, and take a screenshot of the photo or video, Instagram won’t send a notification because you are using a browser.

2) Put your phone to “Airplane Mode”

Another alternative you can follow is switch your phone to “airplane mode.” When on airplane mode, almost all cellular signals are blocked. It is a setting on your phone that disconnects your device from cellular and Wi-Fi networks. If you are in airplane mode and take a screenshot, the user won’t know because Instagram won’t be able to get any cellular signals.

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3) Use A Different Device Camera

Even though the quality isn’t the best, it will do the job. Use a different camera or device to take a shot which won’t allow the the other Instagram user know.

To do this, open your direct message, click on the photo or video, and then use your other phone or camera to take a photo or video.

Frequently Asked Question

1) Can Instagram Detect If You Take A Screenshot?

The simple answer to this question is “No, Instagram does not let you know when you take a screenshot of a story.” So, you won’t know if someone has taken a screenshot of your story.

2) Are Screenshot Against Instagram Policy

Taking a screenshot is not against Instagram policy. But the way you use the screenshot might be against the privacy policy. If you use, publish, or share copyrighted images without the rights or licenses to do so, you might be violating the owner’s right and could face legal consequences.

3) Can You Screen Record Instagram Stories Without Them Knowing?

Instagram doesn’t notify when you take a screenshot or record a story. So, you can do it and no one will find out.

4) Is It Illegally To Take A Screenshot Of A Private Chat?

You can take screenshot, but if the screenshot of the conversation has personal information on it, you could be breaking the law.


Taking screenshot on Instagram doesn’t need to come with stress. We hope you have now learnt  how to screenshot stories, posts, reels without the owner getting notified.

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