Social Media

How to see liked posts on Instagram 2022

Instagram has become one of the most popular social media platforms on the planet. With over 2 billion active users, it’s no wonder that businesses are looking to get a piece of the action. One way to do this is by seeing liked posts. By liking posts, you’re showing your support for the content and telling people that you want to see more of it. However, like anything else on Instagram, there are a few things you need to know in order to maximize your results. In this article, we’ll teach you everything you need to know on how to see liked posts on Instagram 2022.

How to see liked posts on Instagram 2022

If you’re looking to see which of your posts have been liked on Instagram, there are a few different ways to go about it. You can view the post’s likes from the post itself, or you can see the likes for all of your posts in one place by using the “Likes” tab on your profile page.

If you want to see the likes for a specific post, first find that post in your feed. It will show up as an orange dot on the left side of the screen. Once you find that post, simply click on it to open its details page.

The Details page will show you a list of all of the people who have liked that post. You can also see how many people liked that post within a certain timeframe (up to 24 hours), and whether or not that post was shared with others first.

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If you want to see all of the posts that have been liked on Instagram, you can use the “Likes” tab found on your profile page. This tab will show you a list of all of your posts with their respective likes.

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To share a post with others before it has been liked, simply press and hold down on the image until it starts shaking and then release it. This will quickly share the post with any other users who are nearby who are also using Instagram.

How to View Posts You Have Liked on Instagram 2022

If you’re wondering how to view liked posts on Instagram, there’s a quick and easy way to check. Just open up the app and go to your profile page. From there, simply click on the three lines in the top left corner of the screen. This will take you to your posts list. Scroll down until you find the post or posts that you’ve liked, and then click on them. You’ll now be able to read all of the comments and reactions that your friends have shared about them.

How to See Your Friend’s Liked Posts on Instagram 2022

If you’re looking to see all of your friends’ posts that have been liked on Instagram, there are a few ways to do this. You can go to your profile page and look at the top right corner for a three-dot icon. When you click on it, a menu will appear with options including “Liked Posts.” Alternatively, you can go to the main Instagram app and look at the bottom left corner of the screen where you’ll see a list of recent posts. If a post has been liked by one of your friends, an orange heart will appear next to it.

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Frequently Asked Questions on How to see liked posts on Instagram 2022

Why can’t I see posts I’ve liked on Instagram?

If you’ve been using Instagram for a while, you may have noticed that when you click on a post that someone has liked, it doesn’t show up in your feed. This is because Likes are only visible to the person who originally liked the post. If you’re a new user, however, you might not be able to see any of your posts that have been liked. Here’s how to fix this:

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Can you see what someone Likes on Instagram 2022?

If you’re looking to see what your friends and followers are liking on Instagram, you can do so by viewing their liked posts. To view these posts, open up Instagram and go to your profile page. Next to each post that you’ve liked, you’ll see a green heart icon. Tap on this icon to view all of the people who have liked that post. From here, you can see which of your friends and followers have liked your posts the most.

Why can’t I see likes on Instagram 2022?

Instagram announced that in order to combat fake likes and comments, they are disabling likes on posts. This change will help people who legitimately like a post to be more visible than those who may just be following or liking the post for the purpose of gaining followers.


If you’re looking to see what posts your friends have liked on Instagram, but you’re not sure how to do it, we’ve got you covered. In this article, we’ll show you step-by-step instructions on how to see and interact with the likes of your posts on Instagram. Whether you just want to confirm that a post has been liked or want to give a thumbs up (or down!) for someone’s post, following these steps will help make sure that everyone in your social network knows what you think about their latest upload!

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