
How to connect AirPods to Playstation 5

Connecting your AirPods to your PS5 might seem tasking if you try it single-handedly. Follow this guide which shows you how to connect AirPods to Playstation 5.

  • Get a Bluetooth adapter and charge it fully if it has a battery. However, if the Bluetooth adapter you have can be plugged directly into your PS5 console, then there is no need to charge it.
  • Make sure your AirPods are fully charged.
  • Connect your Bluetooth adapter to your PS5. To do this, your adapter has to be in pairing mode. Check your Bluetooth adapter manual to see how to put it to pairing mode, as this process differs for different adapters.
  • Next, connect your AirPods to the Bluetooth adapter. Your AirPods have to be in their case while you open it and press hold the button behind it.
  • Hold the button till the blinking light on the Bluetooth adapter stops. This shows that it has connected.

Your AirPods is connected to your PS5 successfully and is now ready to receive audio.

Have a great gaming experience! 

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What to do if you can’t hear the audio from your PS5

If, after connecting your AirPods to your PS5, you can’t hear any sound, you need to make sure that they are connected properly.

  • On your PS5 console, go to the HOME screen and select SETTINGS.
  • Go to the SOUND menu and open the AUDIO OUTPUT.
  • Select the OUTPUT DEVICE and tap on BLUETOOTH DEVICE
  • The audio problem should be solved now.
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NOTE: You can also see the BLUETOOTH DEVICE option in the SETTINGS menu, under the ACCESSORIES option.

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Can you use your AirPods to chat with other gamers on PS5?

Gamers who use Airpods as their PS5 headphones face two problems;

  1. Sound is delayed: when playing a game with your AirPods, the sound is delayed, i.e., it’s after an action has happened in the game that your AirPods produce the audio. This is due to how AirPods receive audio from the PS5 console.
  2. Issue of microphone: since your AirPods have a microphone that you use to make calls and send voice messages, you will expect it to work well on your PS5. Unfortunately, your AirPods microphone does not work when connected to your PS5.

How to chat with other gamers on PS5

To chat with other gamers on PS5, you need to buy headphones specifically made for PS5 or a Bluetooth adapter that has a microphone in it. This headphone can connect automatically, and the microphone will work perfectly.

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What to do if your AirPods don’t connect to your PlayStation 5

Sometimes you might find it hard to connect AirPods to Playstation 5 console. You should know that there are reasons why it doesn’t connect smoothly, which we will discuss in this section. We will also explain what to do to solve the problem.

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Check your AirPods and Bluetooth adapter battery.

If your AirPods battery is low, it won’t be able to connect to your PS5. So you need to charge it fully before reconnecting it. Also, check if your Bluetooth adapter uses a battery so you can charge it also, as devices don’t work efficiently when they are running out of battery.

Distance of your AirPods and Bluetooth adapter.

If your AirPods are too far from the Bluetooth adapter, they won’t connect. Keep your AirPods within 50 feet of the Bluetooth adapter’s position for a smooth connection. Also, remove any obstacle between your Bluetooth adapter and AirPods. This will stop the free flow of Bluetooth frequency.

Restart the connection

If you’ve solved the two problems listed above and your AirPods still don’t want to connect to your PS5, all you need o do is restart the connection. Turn off all devices, then turn them on and reconnect them.


This article has answered your question on how to connect AirPods to PS5. If you have any questions, kindly leave them in the comment section below.

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