Social Media

How To Delete Instagram Account On iPhone

Instagram is one of the most popular social media networks, with millions of users from all over the world. However, some users have recently been looking to learn how to delete their Instagram accounts.

How to delete Instagram account on iPhone has been one of the most asked question among its users. As a result, we have detailed the processes to delete your Instagram accounts below. Continue reading:

How To Delete Instagram Account On iPhone

If you wish to delete your Instagram account, you have several options. Here are some steps you can take:

1) Launch Safari on your iPhone.

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2) Then Log in to your Instagram account through your browser.

3) From the Settings menu, navigate to the ‘Delete My Account’ page.

4)After that, check for the dropdown menu next to ‘Why are you canceling your account?’ Users must also select a reason for deleting their account.

5) Re-enter your password.

6) The option to permanently delete your Instagram account will not appear. Then select the Delete option.

7) You have now successfully deleted your Instagram account.

How To Delete My Instagram Account Through Help Center

1) Open the Instagram app and select the profile icon.

2) Select settings by tapping the three horizontal lines.

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3) Now, select Help Help Center.

4) Tap Delete Your Account under Managing Your Account.

5) Under Why are you deleting your account?, select an appropriate reason.

6) Tap Permanently delete my account after entering your Instagram password.

How To Disable Instagram Account On iPhone

1) Launch Safari on your iPhone.

2) Log Into your Instagram account on the browser and click your profile picture in the top right angle of the screen

3) Select Profile, and choose Edit Profile.

4) Find the option, ‘Temporarily disable my account’, which will be located on the bottom right side of the screen.

5) You will also need to choose the reason for disabling their account. Without selecting this, the option to disable your Instagram account will not appear

6) Then select Temporarily disable Instagram and confirm your action.

How To Deactivate An Instagram Account On iPhone

The steps to deactivate an Instagram account are almost the same as for deleting an Instagram account. All you have to do is:

1) Open Instagram and open your Profile

2) Click on the Hamburger menu.

3) Select Account Settings.

4)Next, select Account.

5) Click Deactivate Account.

6) Then, select a reason for deactivation.

7) Enter your password.

8) Next, tap Temporarily Deactivate Account.

9) Tap Yes to confirm your actions.

You will be informed that your account has been deactivated and can be retrieved back whenever you log in again and follow the reactivation process.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long can Instagram be Deactivated?

You can deactivate your Instagram account for as long as you want, whether that’s 10 weeks or 1 year. But you can’t deactivate your Instagram account more than once a week. This is the only rule Instagram has about it.

What Do Other People See When You Deactivate Your Instagram Account?

People won’t be able to see your profile. All of your posts, videos, comments, and likes won’t be seen. People won’t be able to look for you on the platform. Your followers will remain intact, but no one will be able to find your profile and unfollow you.

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How Do You Know If Someone’s Instagram Has Been Deleted?

Type “[username]” and change “username” to their real username. If you see the message “This page is not available,” it means that they have either deleted their account or blocked you.

Does User Not Found Means You’re Blocked?

If you see the message “user not found” on Instagram, there could be a number of problems.. The account in question may have been banned, disabled, or deleted. It’s also possible that person has blocked you.

Will My Followers Know If I Turn Reactivate My Instagram Account?

You don’t need to worry or not if your followers will find out that you temporarily turned off your account. No one will be notified. when you reactivate your account, neither your followers nor the accounts you follow will get notified.


There is no doubt that Instagram has become a distraction for many or even affects their mental health, at least for some. And if you want to get out of it, the best way is to deactivate or delete your Instagram account. If you want to take a break from Instagram, you can offload or uninstall the app on your iPhone.

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