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Why Is Instagram Not Working? Here’s How To Make It Work

Instagram not working? Yes, sometimes we get such error message when trying to make use of the app and it can be very frustrating. Sometimes it can be a general sever problem, network problems or even an update causing bugs on the application. In this article, we’ll look at some of the most common problems with Instagram and suggest some possible solutions.

How To Solve Instagram Not Working

1) Clear The App Cache

You can try clearing the app cache if your Instagram app isn’t working. This will make the app start over, which should possibly fix any problems you’re having. To clear the cache of an app:

1. Go to the “Settings” menu on your device and choose “Apps.”
2. Find and tap on the Instagram app.
3. Touch “Storage” and then “Clear Cache.”
4. Restart the app and check to see if it now works.

2) Technical difficulties

If Instagram is giving you trouble, it could be because of a technical problem. Here are some things you can try to troubleshoot:

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  • First, make sure your device is well connected to a strong internet data service. Try connecting to a Wi-Fi network instead of using cellular data.
  • Next, force close and then reopen the Instagram app.
  • Restart your device.
  • Make sure the Instagram app is up to date.

If none of these work, it’s likely that the Instagram servers have a problem. If you need more help, check out the Instagram Help Center or call customer service.

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3) User error

If you’re having trouble with Instagram, the problem might be with you and not with the app. Check to see if you’re using the recent version of the app and if your device version meets Instagram’s minimum requirements. If you’re still having problems, try restarting your device or reinstalling the app.

Still not working? It might not be working for you for a number of reasons. Look at this list of possible answers:

  • Make sure your device is connected to the internet well.
  • If your device is one with a small RAM, close any other apps that might be running in the background and taking up space on your device. This could be why Instagram is loading slowly or not at all.
  • You could try a different web browser. If Chrome or Safari is giving you trouble, try Mozilla Firefox instead.
4) General Maintenance

Sometimes, they might be running a quick maintenance from their end which can be a reason why Instagram is not working. Check from friends to confirm if they are facing the same problem at that time. If so, you will just have to wait for a little time. It’ll be back up and running in no time.

5) Check for Recent Updates

If Instagram is giving you trouble logging in, one of the first things you should do is check if there are any updates. There may be updates for both the app and your operating system that fix bugs or other problems.

Go to the App Store and tap the Updates tab at the bottom of the screen to see if there are any updates for your IOS device.

On Android, open the Google Play Store, locate the Instagram app and re-download if there’s any update to download. Tap the “Update” button next to the app. Make sure you’re using the latest version of Chrome, Safari, Firefox, or Edge if you use Instagram on a web browser.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Why Does Instagram Keep Crashing?

This problem can be easily solved. Firstly, check your phone storage if it’s enough. Then uninstall and reinstall the Instagram app. It should be working perfectly now.

Why Is My Instagram Blank?

This happens most of the time due to technical glitch or poor internet connection. So, check your internet connection, then refresh the application.

How To Restart An Instagram Account?

Open your Instagram account on your phone via the app or browser. On the login page, input the username and password of the account you wish to reactivate and tap on Login. Your account feeds will be opened and your account will have been restored back to normal.

Why Is Instagram Deactivating Accounts In 2022?

When your Instagram accounts gets deactivated, the message you get is you violated their policies. Although, if you’re sure you didn’t violate any policy, you can always submit a review and get your account back after review.


There are a few different things that could be wrong if your Instagram is not working. It could be that your internet connection is slow or that the app itself is broken. No matter what the problem is, most of the time Instagram can be fixed by clearing your app cache, updating the app or restarting.

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