Social Media

How To Mute Someone On Instagram

Muting can be useful if you want to keep following someone on Instagram but don’t want to see their posts all the time. Blocking or unfollowing in any form can be interpreted as an act of hostility if you’re trying to maintain a real friendship. You could instead simply mute their account, as users will not be notified that you have done so. There are a couple of simple methods. On Instagram, here’s how to unmute someone.

How To Mute Someone On Instagram

1. Navigate to the profile of the person you plan to mute.

2. Tap “following” and then choose “Mute” from the menu that appears.

3. You can choose whether to mute their stories or posts.

4. Use the toggle slider to select one or both of those options.

5. The profile would be muted. You can change this at any time by repeating these steps and clicking the toggle again.

How To Mute Someone’s Posts On Instagram

1) Go to their profile.

2) Click the “Following” button at the very top of the account’s profile.

3) Next, select the “Mute” option on the pop up list.

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4) On the menu, there are two options for muting posts or stories from the account. To mute the person’s post, click the toggle next to “Posts.”

The account holder will not be aware that you have muted their posts, and you will no longer see their posts as you scroll through your feed on Instagram. If you want to see contents from this account again, simply repeat the process given above by turning off the “Posts” toggle button, and the account will be unmuted.

How To Mute Someone Instagram Stories

You can, of course, use either of the methods listed above to mute someone’s Instagram Stories as they all follow the same process. When you mute someone through their profile, you will be able to mute only the user’s Stories. When you mute someone through your feed, you can only mute their stories if you also mute their posts.

If you want to mute an account stories, press and hold their profile picture before opening the story. You will be given the option to “Mute” or “View Profile.” When you select “Mute,” you will be given the option of “Mute Story” or “Mute Story and Posts.” Select which one you will like to go for and save.

How To Unmute Someone On Instagram

When you mute users on Instagram, Instagram keeps a list of the accounts you have muted for you. Follow the steps below to gain access to this list.

1) Go to your profile page.

2) Next, navigate to Settings.

3) Select the Privacy option.

4) Located on the menu tray. select muted accounts. This will display all of the accounts you’ve muted, as well as showing whether you muted their story or their posts or both.

Frequently Asked Questions

1) Is Restrict The Same As Mute On Instagram?

Restriction is different from muting or blocking on Instagram. It gives you more control over what comments, contents on feeds or reels you and your followers see on your timeline.

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2) How Can I Know If Someone On Instagram Has Muted Me?

You can’t tell for sure if you’ve been muted on Instagram and there’s is no place to check who muted you. Only the person who muted another can see the list of accounts he has muted.

3) What Exactly Is Soft Blocking?

A soft block is when a user won’t be able to see your posts but can send direct messages to you, Soft block hides your posts from someone else, without blocking them.

4) Why Did My Ex Mute Me On Instagram?

Your ex might have decided to go for the mute instead of blocking you to still keep the mutual friendship. Going for the mute might be a move to avoid getting hurt emotionally anytime your post or stories comes up.


And there you have it. You now have the knowledge of how to mute someone on Instagram on either posts or stories. These options on Instagram are made available to control your account by either stopping to see someone’s story or posts coming up on your feeds,

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