Social Media

How To Unblock People On Instagram

Instagram is one of the most popular social media platforms on the internet, with over a billion active users. For many people, Instagram has become a platform to share their lives with the world – but sometimes you might find yourself blocked by someone that you inadvertently offended or even if they just decided to block you. This blog article will help clear up some of the confusion behind how to unblock someone on Instagram so that you can resolve this issue without too much trouble.

How to Unblock People on Instagram

If you want to unblock someone on Instagram, there are a few different ways to go about it. You can unblock them by going to their profile and clicking the three lines in the top right corner. From there, you can select “Unblock Block This User” and they can now see your posts or comments.

Alternatively, you can go to their profile and click the little red dot in the top left corner. This will open up a menu where you can unblock them completely or just block some of their posts.

If you don’t want to unblock them entirely, but just want to stop seeing their posts in your feed, you can type their username into the search bar at the top of the page and choose “Hide Posts from [username]” from the dropdown menu.

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Why You Need to Unblock People on Instagram

Instagram is one of the most popular social media platforms with over 1 billion active users. However, there are times when you may want to block someone on Instagram. Blocking someone allows you to stop seeing their posts and comments on your account, but it’s important to remember that not all users follow the same etiquette when it comes to blocking others. Here are five reasons why you might want to unblock someone on Instagram:

  1. You’ve Made a Mistake
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Sometimes we make mistakes and cross paths with people we don’t want to be around. If this is the case with someone you blocked on Instagram, chances are they won’t take kindly to being ignored or forgotten about. It may be tempting to try and unblock them later, but doing so could lead to more problems down the road if you’re still angry at each other. The best solution would be to apologize for your mistake and move on.

  1. They’re Good Friends or Family

If you blocked someone because you have a beef with them, chances are they won’t take the news well. Blocking someone can quickly turn into a feud that will ruin friendships or worse yet, family relationships. If this is the case, it would be best to reach out to them and apologize for your actions before trying anything else.

  1. They Work For You or Your Company

If a user works for you or your company, blocking them may not be the best idea. Not only  will it cause tension, but it could also lead to potential legal issues. If you need to communicate with them, it would be best to do so through email or another form of communication that isn’t public.

  1. They’re a Local Expert

If someone is a local expert in your area of interest, blocking them may not be the best idea. Not only will it cause tension, but it could also lead to negative publicity for your business or organization. It’s important to remember that not everyone who is popular online is going to be popular in real life as well. It’s always better to reach out and get to know these people before blocking them on social media.

  1. They’re Influential and You Want To Follow Their Posts

If someone is influential and their posts are worth following, blocking them may not be the best idea. Not only will it cause tension, but it could also lead to missed opportunities and missed insights into your industry or niche. It’s important to remember that not all influencers are popular because of the quality of their content, some are popular because of the size of their following.

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Frequently Asked Questions on How To Unblock People On Instagram

How can I see my blocked list on Instagram?

To see your blocked list on Instagram, all you need to do is click on your profile picture at the right bottom side of your screen in your profile page. select the settings icon at the top right corner, then click on Privacy and select Blocked accounts.

Why can’t I unblock someone on Instagram?

There are two major reasons why you can’t unblock someone on Instagram. The first is they may likely be blocking you also. the second reason may be that they have deleted their Instagram account. Whatever reason, you can’t see their profile, posts, or page

How do I unblock someone?

You can unblock someone on Instagram by going to their profile and clicking the three lines in the top right corner. From there, you can select “Unblock Block This User” and they can now see your posts or comments.


If you’re ever feeling blocked when it comes to social media, try unblocking people. Blocking someone on Instagram will stop them from seeing your posts and comments, but unblocking someone doesn’t mean they are automatically allowed back into your life. It’s up to you whether or not you want to allow them back in and continue the conversation.

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