
How To Hide Apps on iPhone: Step By Step Process

People you know can easily find out what apps you have installed on your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch by looking at the device itself or searching through its contents on iTunes. If you’d rather keep this information to yourself, here’s how to hide apps from your iPhone.

Navigate To Your Home Screen.

The home screen is where you’ll find all of your apps. First, tap to access your home screen.

You’ll see a grid of app icons for your apps and any folders on your home screen.

If there aren’t any folders on your home screen, skip to

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Step 3. If some folders are already on your home screen, tap one to open them.

Add a folder.: Tap New Folder at the bottom of your screen to create a new folder.

Type in a name for your folder, then tap Create New Folder when you’re finished. Your new folder will appear on your home screen with an icon that looks like two rectangles with rounded corners next to each other.

Press and Hold an App You Want to Hide.

Once you’ve started holding it, a red icon will appear next to each app. Tap one of these icons and choose Hide App from under its name.

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You can now continue using your phone as usual; all your other apps are exactly where they should be, but your chosen app will remain invisible to anyone who uses your device.

This is useful for hiding personal information or private files that could be accessed by someone else if they were able to find them.

If you want to unhide an app, open up Settings again and tap Show All Apps at the bottom of your screen.

The hidden apps will then reappear in alphabetical order so that you can re-select which ones are visible when using your device.

Choose Move From The List of Options That Appear.

Choosing Move and then tapping Edit in Step 2, you’ll be presented with a list of apps and folders to move.

If you have an app or folder, you no longer use, choose it from the list and tap Delete.

Otherwise, if you don’t want to delete any apps or folders, skip ahead to Step 3.

Choose where to move them: After deleting apps and folders in Step 2, select their new destination by choosing one of these options from your Home screen: Dock—the bottom row of icons is referred to as your dock.

This is where you can place your most-used apps for easy access. For example, when using Safari, you might want to keep it in your dock so that it will always appear at the bottom of your screen when opening new tabs.

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Frequently Asked Questions on How To Hide Apps on iPhone

Can You Hide an App On an iPhone?

Yes, you can hide apps on an iPhone

Why Should You Hide Your Apps?

You might have to hide your essential apps, such as banking apps, so that others won’t have access to them.

Can Anyone Else Be Able To Access Your Hidden Apps?

Once you have hidden your apps, no one else can access them.


The only way to completely hide an app is to disable it. In general, disabled apps are offline and have no access to Apple or third-party services.

Disabled apps will still appear in the App Switcher view, but they don’t run in the background. We hope you found today’s post helpful! Check back daily for a new how-to with more ways to get more out of your Apple devices.

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