
How To Set Up Voicemail On iPhone

Did you know you can set up voicemail on your iPhone? It’s straightforward, and we have everything you need to know about how to set up voicemail on an iPhone in our step-by-step guide.

Whether it’s your first time or looking for a refresher, this guide will show you everything you need to know about setting up voicemail on your iPhone.

How Do I Get My Voicemail To Show Up On My iPhone?

For your voicemail to show up on your iPhone, you will need to add it. To do so, go into the Settings app and select Phone. Next, scroll down and select Voicemail.

Now, at the top of the screen, there should be an option that says Voicemail Number. Enter your phone number and hit Done. Once you have done this, your voicemails should appear under Voicemails when you go into the Phone app.

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However, they may not show up if they are too old. If you think they are too old, call them yourself or delete them from your Voicemail page in the Settings app.

You can also follow these steps by going to the Contact Info page and selecting Voicemail.

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At the bottom of the page, there should be a box that asks for a Voicemail greeting with a button next to it labeled Record. Press Record and say what you want your message to say.

Be sure to leave a space between each sentence once you’re finished recording, press Stop, and Save Changes.

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Why Can’t I Set Up Voicemail On my iPhone?

If you are trying to set up Voicemail on your iPhone, you may wonder why the Voicemail option is not appearing in the Phone app.

The most likely culprit is that your phone carrier does not support Voicemail. Some carriers do not offer the service for free, and others may require a monthly fee. Make sure to check with your phone carrier if you are having any difficulties setting up Voicemail on your iPhone.

To see which services are available through your carrier, go into Settings -> Phone -> Voicemail. There should be an information button at the bottom of the page which will display what plans they offer.

Alternatively, this information can also be found by going into Settings -> General -> About -> Carrier Services.

How Do You Activate Your Voicemail?

There is no need to call your service provider for activation. Setting up a Voicemail account is simple and can be done using your iPhone:

  • Go into Settings, then select Phone.
  • Under Voicemail, tap Voicemail Setup. You’ll need to enter your 10-digit phone number and tap Next when you’re finished.
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Enter the passcode you want to use for accessing your voicemail (4 digits). Follow the prompts that appear on the screen and click Done.

When someone leaves you a message, it will be sent as an audio file to your Voicemail inbox, where it will automatically playback so you can hear it.

Frequently Asked Questions on How To Set Up Voicemail On iPhone

How do I get my Voicemail to show up on my iPhone?

To set up a voicemail on your iPhone, go into your iPhone settings and follow all the procedures listed above.

Why can’t I set up Voicemail on my iPhone?

If you find it complex to set voicemail on your iPhone, it could be due to your phone’s settings. To ensure this works, make sure you follow all the procedures we outlined.

How Do You Activate Your Voicemail?

To activate voicemail on your device, you can long-press the number 1 button.


Voicemail is a handy tool for getting messages when you cannot answer the phone.

Setting it up is easy: go into your settings app, under Messages, and press Voicemail.

From there, you can change the number that people call to reach your voicemail, as well as customize what they’ll hear when they get there.

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