
How To Make Folders On iPhone: The Ultimate Guide.

There are two ways to make folders in the iPhone, one is through the Mail app, and the other through iTunes.

You will need to have a computer running to create these folders on your iPhone; however, if you don’t have a computer available to you, you can still create folders inside iTunes by simply pressing on the More tab at the bottom of your screen while inside of your music library.

How To Make Folders On iPhone: The Ultimate Guide.

To do this, you will need access to an internet connection to sync your new folders back onto your phone after they have been created.

Create Folders on your Home Screen

From your home screen, tap ‘Edit’ at the bottom of your screen. A pop-up box will appear.

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Tap and hold on to an app until it jiggles, then drag it over to another app to create a folder. You can name your folder by tapping on its name before pressing ‘Done’ on the keyboard at the top of your device.

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The folder will be named after both apps contained within. For example, if you have Pandora Radio and Spotify in one folder, it would read Pandora Radio & Spotify once created.

The same goes for naming folders based on their icon colors—be sure you have two apps that are similar in color or hue to make things easier when creating folders!

Creating Folders from Within Your Apps

If you’re looking to create a folder on your home screen, then you’ll need to open an app that already exists on your screen.

Find any two apps you want to combine in a folder and place them next, one directly above or below the other. Next, press and hold down on an app until all of your apps start wiggling.

Then, drag it over top of another app. When you let go, they combine into a single folder with both icons visible. From there, you can name whatever you like (e.g., Work Apps).

It’s also worth noting that if you have too many apps on your screen, you might not be able to make folders because they won’t all fit together. This isn’t usually a problem unless you have many apps installed.

Deleting an App from Within a Folder

When you have an entire folder of apps, you may want to delete an app but don’t want to remove it from your device. You might want to keep that app’s data on your phone and use it in another folder or a different account.

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Frequently Asked Questions on How To Make Folders iPhone

Can You Create a New Folder On an Iphone?

Yes, you can easily create a new folder on an iphone.

Can New Folders Be Created On Your Phone’s Menu?

Yes, you can easily create a new menu on your phone’s menu.

What Does New Folder Stands For?

It’s possible for you to create a new folder for your iPhone where you can place all your favorite apps.


If you want to create folders on your iPhone, there are several methods to choose from.

Some will be more convenient for you than others, but no matter what method you decide on, it’s important to remember that a folder isn’t just a place to store apps; you can use them to keep important documents together in one place.

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