Social Media

How To Reply To A Message On Instagram

Instagram is a social media platform that allows users to share photos and videos of their everyday lives. Instagram also has a messaging feature, which is where the majority of people communicate with each other. However, not many people know how to reply to a message on Instagram, so this blog article will teach you some easy steps on how to do just that!

How to Reply on Instagram

If you’re responding to a message on Instagram and you don’t see the person’s name in your notification bar, head to their profile and tap the three lines in the top left corner. From there, choose “Reply To Message.” You can type out your response, or tap one of the following icons to quickly respond with one of those options: heart, love, smiley face. Once you’ve sent your message, click “View Response” to see how it looks on their screen.

How to reply to a message on Instagram

Instagram is a great way to stay connected with friends and family, but it can be hard to know how to reply to a message. Here are some tips on how to reply to a message on Instagram:

When you receive a message on Instagram, the quickest way to respond is by tapping the “message” icon at the bottom of your screen and selecting “reply.” This will open up a new message window where you can write your response.

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  1. Open the message and read it.
  2. If you want to respond right away, tap the “Reply” button at the bottom of the message.
  3. If you want to save the message for later, tap the “Star” button at the top of the message. This will add a star next to the message so you can find it easier when you’re ready to reply.
  4. Type your response in the text box below the “Reply” button and hit “Send.”

When is it appropriate to reply to a message on Instagram?

When you receive a message on Instagram, there are a few things to keep in mind before responding.

First, be sure to open the message and read it completely. If you don’t have time to respond right away, at least indicate that you’ve read the message and will reply soon.

Second, consider what you want to say in your reply. If the other person sent you a funny picture or comment, responding with a funny response of your own is probably the best course of action. However, if the other person has asked you for help or advice, it’s important to be respectful and respond in a way that will help them rather than making them feel like they’re bothering you.

Finally, make sure your response is timed well. The last thing you want is for someone else’s message to get lost in your stream or inbox!

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Frequently Asked Questions on How To Reply To A Message On Instagram

How do you reply to a specific message on Instagram?

When you receive a message on Instagram, the first thing you’ll want to do is open the message. Search for the conversation that contains the relevant message. Tap and hold the message until it moves to the right and appears above the text input box. You can do this by swiping the message. Please provide your response in this space.

Why can’t I reply to a specific message on Instagram?

The reason why you can’t reply to a specific message on Instagram is that the direct messaging feature on your Instagram has not been updated.

Why can’t I reply to Instagram messages 2022?

Instagram always update their platform, so if you cant reply to messages on Instagram, try to update the app.


If you’re anything like me, you love getting messages on Instagram. (I know I do!) But sometimes it can be tricky responding to a message right away. That’s why this guide is for you! In it, we will discuss the best ways to reply to a message on Instagram, including when and how to respond with a photo, quote or DM, and more! So read on and get ready to start chatting with your friends and followers on Instagram in style!

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