
How To Take A Screenshot On iPhone

In addition to browsing the internet, taking pictures, and checking your text messages, the iPhone allows you to take screenshots of whatever’s on your screen.

Screenshots are perfect if you want to save the image of a webpage or an email you received or if you want to send somebody else what’s on your screen in the form of an image they can view in their email or photo gallery. Here’s how to take a screenshot on an iPhone.

How To Take A Screenshot On iPhone

A screenshot is an image that captures what’s displayed on your screen. Taking screenshots can be handy if you want to keep or share with others whatever is currently displayed.

To take a screenshot, press and hold down two buttons simultaneously—and voila! A picture of your screen will be captured in your camera roll. Let’s go ahead and start taking some screenshots.

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First off, make sure you have iOS 10 installed on your device. If not, update it by going to Settings > General > Software Update. Once updated, open up any app or program you want to capture as a screenshot.

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Then, follow these steps: Press and hold down the Home button (the circular one) and Sleep/Wake button (the rectangular one).

After a few seconds, you should hear a shutter sound effect. The screen will flash white for a moment before returning to normal.

Your screenshot has been taken! Now navigate to your Photos app, where all your screenshots are saved automatically. You can edit them using built-in tools or third-party apps such as Photoshop Express.

Take A Screenshot On Any iPhone With AssistiveTouch

While taking screenshots is built into iOS, some of you may be interested in how to take a screenshot from your device’s AssistiveTouch menu.

Here’s how: Open up your Settings app and go to General>Accessibility>AssistiveTouch. Enable AssistiveTouch, then head back out and open up the Control Center by swiping up from the bottom of your screen.

Now tap on Customize Controls and enable both Screenshot and Switch Camera (if it isn’t already enabled).

Once you do that, hold down both your Home button and Power button at once until you see a flash or hear a shutter sound—you should now have a fresh new screenshot waiting for you in your Photos app!

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Frequently Asked Questions on How To Take A Screenshot On iPhone.

Can You Take A Screenshot With An iPhone?

Yes, it’s possible to take a screenshot with an iPhone, just like any of your other devices.

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Can I Edit My Screenshot?

You can edit your screenshotted images just by clicking on the edit button.

How Do I Screenshot on an iPhone?

One of the fastest ways to screenshot an iPhone is by using voice commands.


Taking screenshots with an iPhone is easy. Just follow these simple steps and start snapping those shots right away. You’ll be taking and sharing quality screenshots in no time at all!

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