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Mommy Issues in Women: Definition, Signs, Fixes and More

People who had not had the best relationship with their mothers are suspected to have what is termed "mommy issues". But what are mommy issues in women? What are the signs, and how do you fix them?

The common term used to describe people who had relationship issues with their mothers is mommy issues. Mommy issues in women are likely to occur, just as it is with men.
When you hear people referring to someone as having “mommy issues”, it may probably be due to the fact that the person in question relies on the other partner in the relationship to cater to him.

Experts argue that a mother is a very important figure in every childhood. That is why people who tend to have been abused or manipulated by their mothers tend to face psychological aftereffects when they grow into adulthood.

Mommy Issues: Meaning

The term mommy issues are used to describe the issues that individuals face as a result of their past relationship with their mothers. It occurs to men, as it also occurs to women, however, the challenges present themselves differently in males and females.

While mommy issues seem to be a clinical term, the crucial importance of a mother in one’s early childhood makes the term to be more psychological, due to the psychological effects it has on the victims.

Mommy Issues in Women

A lot of people often asked whether women can also have mommy issues. Well, you bet right, women also face mommy issues in life. However, the degree to which women face these issues is different when compared to that of men.

The most important thing to note here is that anyone who behaves in a certain way due to the kind of mother the person had, experiences mommy issues. For example, a woman who had a judgemental or unkind mother may likely end up having a poorly developed sense of self-worth.

Similarly, growing up under a mother that always points out flaws and critiques often may give rise to a woman who suffers from shame and insecurity in her adulthood.

Whatever the scenario, the kind of relationship a woman experiences with her mother plays a very significant role in how she turns out to behave with her own children. When there are unresolved problems between a mother and a daughter, it continues to affect the woman as an adult thereby leading to what we call mommy issues in women.

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5 Important Signs of Mommy Issues in Women

In order not to jump to conclusion that what you are experiencing are mommy issues, we have compiled 5 important signs of mommy issues in women for you. These signs will guide you to confirm whether or not your suspicions are true.

The following can be some of the symptoms of mommy issues in women:

#1 Attachment Issues

This is one of the most important signs of mommy issues. Here, a woman facing mommy issues tends to be clingy to the other partner in the relationship.

This happens based on the fact that the woman in question faced a fraught relationship with her mother, hence she tends to look for who will fulfill those needs her mother couldn’t meet or fulfill.

#2 Lower Quality of Relationships

There are so many things we learn from our parents’ relationships. If you have a mother that is emotionally cold, chances are that you will find yourself struggling with the difficulty of expressing your affection to your partner. A very good reason why women facing mommy issues face this is that they were not shown a good example.

When it becomes difficult for a woman to express her affection in a relationship, there are chances that she will have problems with intimacy in her adult relationships. When you notice this, there are clear signs that you may be suffering from mommy issues.

#3 Detachment

Girls that are facing mommy issues tend to find it difficult to get close to other people. Due to the fact the struggle to get acquainted with their mothers, they are likely to transfer that closeness and intimacy in their relationships with other people.

Where this leads back to struggles with affection and intimacy, and it typically was birthed from not having a mother who modeled that secure attachment to you as a young girl.

#4 Excessive Caretaking

Sometimes, people with mommy issues take extra care of other people at the expense of their own care. Yes, this is very typical. When you have an overbearing mother that hardly allows you to make your own choices as an individual, you may likely face this sign.

Some mothers become overprotective that they do everything for their daughters. In adulthood, this translates into their daughters sacrificing their own needs to take care of others in adult relationships.

#5 Tension

There are times when you can’t just figure out where the problem is in how you relate with your mother. If you notice this strain or tension between you and your mom, some underlying mommy issues may exist.

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Problems from childhood tend to keep cropping up in adulthood, which means that any noticeable tension means there still exist some mommy issues.

How to Overcome Mommy Issues

Parents that are able to break the cycle of mommy issues in women demonstrate a few commonalities, according to a study. These commonalities depict how they managed to overcome mommy issues in the past.

Here are three ways to overcome mommy issues in women:

Build Support Networks

One way to easily counter mommy issues is to build or join a strong emotional support system. Women who have been broking by their mothers in one way or the other often have groups where they share their problems, network, support, and encourage each other. This kind of community relationship goes a long way in healing any form of mommy issues faced in the past.

Be Aware of Past Experiences

It starts with being able to pinpoint your past experiences, and take note of any abusive actions or behavior. Then you are able to take one step toward breaking the cycle of intergenerational abuse. By pinpointing abusive actions, you will be able to prevent yourself from perpetuating them.

Seek Therapy

Finally, a good way to resolve mommy issues is to undergo psychotherapy. This will help you identify the problems in the past. An understanding of how it happened helps in coming up with preventive measures.

Final Thought

Mommy issues in women as a result of poor childhood relationships can have a long-lasting effect in one’s adulthood, this cannot be overemphasized.

Some of the ways you can confirm you have mommy issues include:

  • when you feel too clingy
  • facing a problem with intimacy in your relationship
  • insecure and so on.

Well, do not be overwhelmed when you notice signs of mommy issues as there are steps you can take to overcome the problem. There are a number of ways to curb the problem. You can seek support networks, go back through history lane, or seek therapy where necessary.

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