Relationship Tips

Do You Think Your Crush Likes You? Here’s Your Crush Quiz

If you have developed a crush on someone and you are wondering if that person likes you in return, this crush quiz will let you know. The quiz will also guide you to know if you are truly in love or just crushing.

Take your time and answer these fund questions, the final result will shock you.

Questions and Answers

1. How do his friends treat you?

    1. Recently, most of his friends that I have met are beginning to be extra nice to me
    2. His friends always take their time to tell me nice things about him
    3. They have been spreading negative rumors about me
    4. They don’t treat me any different lately

2. What is his reaction when you are talking to him?

    1. He often stutters, while looking nervous
    2. He sees me as one of the boys
    3. He finds it difficult to look at me when I am talking
    4. He treats me like a worthless piece of trash
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3. Have you noticed any weird behavior when he is around you?

    1. He seems nervous and blushes about everything I say almost every time
    2. Whenever I am around him, he appears as if he is taken by surprise
    3. He gets annoyed that I don’t help out with some work
    4. He looks at me rudely and with disgust

4. How did you both know each other?

    1. We were in the same class, and then later became friends. We talked about virtually everything from school stuff to dating matters.
    2. We use to bump into each other, and he always says “hi”
    3. We have been in the same school for a long without knowing each other
    4. I don’t think he even knows I exist

5. How often do you catch him staring at you?

    1. I always catch him staring at me, and when he notices he blushes
    2. I only caught him once or twice, and it was mostly mere glances
    3. A few times, I discovered that he was staring at some other girl next to me
    4. I have never caught him staring at me

6. How does he tease you?

    1. He teases me in a good way.
    2. He usually plays with my hair and allows me to play with his also
    3. He doesn’t know I exist, so he would tease me
    4. He laughs whenever he observes me being clumsy or doing clumsy things

7. Does he open the door for you or walk you to class?

    1. Yes, he always opens the door for me. He also waits for me after class, all the time
    2. Yes, but he does that for everybody, not just me
    3. He always slams the door after me
    4. He did open the door for me, but only once and I think it was a coincidence
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8. Do you guys often talk?

    1. Yes, we talk a lot
    2. We barely talk, but we chat on social media
    3. Sometimes
    4. No, never

9. Do you feel scared asking the person out?

  1. I am afraid to ask the person out
  2. Not in any way
  3. Yes, I’m just being shy
  4. I am confused


We hope that this quiz has helped you relive some of the mystery associated with figuring out if you have a chance with your crush or not.

Dailygam cares.

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