
Most Expensive College in US | Top 5

Most Expensive College in US – The United states of America in the world today have some of the most expensive College in the world.

It is not just one or two or three but there are so many colleges in the US that is way too expensive and in the words of a layman, it is a school for the rich.

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Everything about college is money, money is required by the students to handle so many things.

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The American College Board have calculated that the average public college receives at least $25,000 while those of the private receives at least $55,000.

But the thing now is, the cost of going to any college differs because each of them have their own different tuition fees and other fees they pay like the learning fee and the rest.

So in this article we are going to be taking a look at at the top 5 most expensive College in US.

How do we get this, we are going to be ranking base on how mu h they pay for their tuition fees and some other things that we might add but tuition fee is the main ranking factor.

We are also going to be considering how much some college charge for in state student and what out state students pay for tuition fee.

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Top 5 Most Expensive College in  US

Without further waste of time let’s give you the list of the top five most expensive College in US which will be ranked based on their tuition fees.

Note: All the school on this list are all private schools and we all know that private schools are always very expensive, it not like public schools that are less expensive.

1. University of Chicago

Just to clarify things, college here also means University.

In the first of our list is the university of Chicago which we see ad the most expensive College in US. Aside the fact that the college is well equipped with everything any student will need.

According to records the schools collect nothing less than $81,531 annually from each student.

Calculate $81,531 times the four years you might stay in the university you will know that university if Chicago is a heavy duty.

So if your planning to put your kid in the University, then you should be really prepared to pay for it.

Just as they collect big money for tuition fees, they do not also accept students anyhow.

Their admission acceptance rate is 7.3% which means out of 100 persons that will apply to study in the school, only 7 will be accepted.

2. University of Colombia

The IVy league school member  is the second in the second position of this list with their students paying $79,752 yearly ad tuition fee which is way too big for an average citizen of the United states but still provides the best services.

Their level of acceptance is actually worst than that of Chicago because out of 100 students they only accept 6 students.

3. Harvy Mudd College

Back in 2019, it ranked as the most expensive school in the United states with the tuition fee of $79,539 before the coming of Colombia and Chicago to take over the lead. Though currently it is ranked as the most expensive school in Califonia.

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Their level of acceptance is fair and better than others, in every 100 students that applies, they will accept at least 15 persons. Which means their rate is 14%

4. Northwestern University

The school tuition fee for this university which is located at Illinois is $78,654 and the funny thing here is for those that want to study communication, their fees are always higher.

Their level of acceptance is just 9% out of 100.

5. Barnard College

Last in the list is Barnard college which collects nothing less than $78,044.

Located in New York and still one of the most expensive College in US, their acceptance rate is also cool at least they accept 14 students.

In conclusion, there are still more colleges that are expensive but when we talk about the most expensive ones, these are the top five so if your interested, you can check their websites.

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Last Updated 2 years by Ogbu

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