
How to land a remote job with no remote work experience

Maybe you’ve done a bit of research, and now you’re interested in getting a remote job. The only problem is that outside the regular office work scenario, you have no experience.

There are different ways to present yourself as a candidate qualified for remote work with only in-office experience in the past. 

Landing Your First Remote Job

To become a favorable candidate for remote work, you have to highlight the skills and experience you already have. By being creative, you can show that you possess the ability to successfully work remotely.

Experience is experience, even unofficial.

Just because you’re applying for a remote job, doesn’t mean all your previous experience is irrelevant. If the plan is to highlight experience, you have to consider more options.

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Work done outside the office environment is a good place to start. Freelance gigs, projects executed in collaboration with a team, you can also state the times you have been able to work involuntarily from home. Perhaps, because of sickness or extreme weather conditions.

If you have participated in educational classes, remember that employers are looking to see if you can manage your time outside the office and within your own convenience.

Highlight remote skills in high-demand

Unlike the regular office environment where you can walk into an office to chat with a colleague, one has to develop excellent communication skills that can replace face-to-face conversations. 

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These are skills you need to highlight when applying for remote jobs, on the skills section in your resume, and in your cover letter. Bullet points can be used effectively in application materials to mention examples of when you have used them previously.

Also, make sure to support your resume on all your social media profiles. Update your LinkedIn profile as well as any other job seeking profiles on other platforms you have registered with.

Be Prepared

An employer might be reluctant to hire a person with no previous remote work experience, concerned that they might not be prepared enough. Show that you’re ready to take on responsibility and be as effective as necessary by your potential employer.

You can also mention that you have equipment and programs required to be a successful remote worker. It can be helpful to state that you are taking steps in getting your home office ready for the job role or position.

Make a strong impression.

Work experience is important, but sometimes, persistence goes a longer way. Place yourself ahead of other qualified candidates by being the best job applicant possible.

Compose a unique and engaging cover letter and resume that fits the position. Make sure to show your research and commitment to the company and position. Also, follow up with the hiring manager as some of these minor details can help you land the remote yjob without experience.

Freelance or volunteer

If, during your job search, the lack of prior remote work experience prevents you from landing a remote job, do something to gain some while you search.

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You may decide to volunteer on a project, or short-term freelance work where you can acquire new skills, plus some fresh remote job experience for your resume.

Just like we’ve discussed in this article, there are ways to highlight your skills and experience without formal job titles. Remote experience in your portfolio gives you more information to add to your resume, even on unofficial basis.

Last Updated 2 years by

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