
How to run a successful social media campaign

From the moment you decide to run a campaign, you need to plan and strategize the campaign in advance. A social media marketing campaign is perfect if you have a new product you want to market, or a forthcoming holiday for some sort of promo sales. To improve the chances of executing a successful social media campaign, you need a data-driven marketing strategy.

Photo Source: Digital Marketing Group

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Steps to Plan and Execute a Successful Social Media Campaign

  • Set Goals

It needs to be clear why you are running a social media campaign. This is the first step to a successful campaign. To increase brand awareness, acquire leads and increasing sales are all good reasons to run a social media campaign. But to be specific and set effective goals, goals need be specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART).

  • Analyze buyer personas

Even with the best campaign content, you need to target the right audience with your content for the campaign to be successful. Therefore, you need to analyze and understand your ideal target when planning a campaign. A buyer persona is a document that has extensive details of your ideal customers. This helps you to tailor specific messages that your audience can relate to. Details to include in your buyer persona include:

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  1. Name
  2. Gender
  3. Age
  4. Income
  5. Location
  6. Favorite social media channels
  7. Hobbies
  8. Interests
  • Focus on your social media channels

It’s easier to get accountable results when you focus on a few social media channels. Your buyer persona can guide you on the path to choosing social media channels, since you have an idea of your ideal audience’s favorite social media channels. It might also depend on the type of product/service you’re offering. Also, look through past results on your website analytics; which channels have led to more visitors and leads on your website.

  • Set-up a social media calendar

Time is of the essence when you are running a social media campaign. With the help of a social media campaign, you can outline your content from the beginning to the end. A calendar will give you a chance to focus on what needs to be done at a particular time. It should outline how many social media updates for each channel, throughout the campaign.

  • Use tools to boost productivity

At some point in your execution of a social media campaign, you will need to employ some tools to aid you. If you have a list of tools, your chances of success might as well increase. Creating visual content is an important part of social media marketing as you need images and videos to reach your audience. Canva is a popular tool you can use to create images and graphics. 

  • Analyze the competition
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Competitive analysis will enlighten you on your competitors’ strategy and what works. This will ultimately inform your own social media campaign. Also watch out for their mistakes. You can thereby, exploit some to gain an edge in the industry.

  • Track performance

This is helpful to determine the success or failure of an executed campaign. It can aid in making adjustments while a campaign is still running. The metrics that you track for your campaigns will depend on your goals.

When you make it a point to track the progress of your campaigns, such data becomes invaluable for strategizing future campaigns.

Last Updated 2 years by

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