
Basic information For Youth Corpers Before going to Orientation Camp

It is very important to note that the first stage of the NYSC program is the orientation camp. All prospective members who were posted to various orientation camps in the country Nigeria are expected at the orientation. Orientation camping is compulsory for all prospective Corp members.

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Below are tips and basic information for youth corpers going to the camp

  1. All Corp members are to wear their caps always
  2. After your registration in the orientation camp you would be given a meal ticket. Ensure you don’t misplace it because once misplaced you will not have access to the food provided in the camp.
  3. You will be called a new name which is Otondos meaning some one who does not know anything
  4. There are people who wash clothes of which prospective Corp members can patronize them for some tokens.
  5. Be prepared to meet different types of people of different believe character and mentality.
  6. It is paramount you come to the camp with some pocket money. This is to enable you buy things and take care of your self better in the camp. Meanwhile all Corp members will be paid a travel allowance upon reaching the orientation camp. The monthly allowance will be paid to the corpers almost at the end of the camping period.
  7. Most time the khaki uniform, shoes and other wears provided by the Nysc officials are either over sized or under sized. if your uniform or shoe is not your size you can exchange with another Corp member or even amend it in the mami’s shop but endeavor to negotiate well with the people amending the clothes or shoes.
  8. You can join any of the religious groups, churches, mosque in the camp. There are three main religious association present in the orientation camp and they are;
    • NCCF (Nigeria Christian Corpers Fellowship)
    • NACC (The National Association of Catholic Chaplains)
    • MCAN (Muslim Corpers’ Association Of Nigeria).
  9. Ensure you obey all instructions given by the camp authorities or soldiers. It is adviced you obey the soldiers even before you complain. Soldiers are always strict but they ae not beat corpers in the camp.
  10. Ensure You read and study your call up letter judiciously so as to avoid making mistakes
  11. Camp activities are usually stressful and time consuming, there fore there is no time for jokes, cruise.
  12. You are expected to always wear your white polo and white short every moment in the camp apart from Sundays or when the camp authorities directs otherwise.
  13. You will have to pay to charge your phones, batteries and power banks. In these case all corpers charge their phones according to their platoons.
  14. There are places available where you can charge your batteries at the camp market.
  15. Corp members in the orientation camp are fed 3 times a day, morning, afternoon and night. However if you are a foodie that is some one who loves good food you will have to patronize the restaurant in the camp.
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