
How To Prepare for an Examination (6 Tips to Boost Your Scores)

How To Prepare for an Examination: Tips to Boost Your Scores: There’s nothing like the feeling of taking a test and having it go great. You feel proud of yourself, knowing that you prepared enough to get the results you wanted.

Unfortunately, preparing for an examination isn’t as easy as studying until you know everything inside and out—you also have to know how to prepare, or else your efforts won’t pay off when it comes time to take the test.

To help you get ready before your next test, here are some tips on how to prepare for an examination to help boost your scores in whatever subject matter you’re studying.

How To Prepare for an Examination: Tips to Boost Your Scores

How to Prepare for an Examination

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1. Use a planner

This can be done by using a planner or creating a bullet journal on your computer.

Here are some ways to create study plans that work best for you.

  • Choose how many hours per day you will spend studying and make sure to allocate time each day to sleep, eat, exercise, take care of responsibilities, etc.
  • Block out the time in your planner accordingly.
  • Establish deadlines for assignments so that they do not pile up over the semester.
  • If possible, plan for quizzes and exams so that there is enough time to prepare beforehand and review the material afterward instead of cramming it all in at the last minute.

2. Set aside enough time to study

Setting aside enough time is one of the most important steps in achieving a high grade on your exams. It can be difficult to break away from our everyday routines and take time to study, but it will make a big difference.

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Make sure you have enough hours or days when you’re completely unoccupied so that you don’t have any distractions or reasons not to study.

After setting aside time, set a goal for how many hours per day you want to study. Studies show that adults who study more than five hours per day get better grades than those who only study less than two hours per day.

To maintain this schedule, try using alarms on your phone or setting up meetings with yourself in Google Calendar. Once you’ve found out how much time is appropriate for you, write down a list of things you need to do every week before exam day arrives.

3. Avoid distractions

Your best bet is to find a quiet place where you can study and stay there. Remove all distractions from your environment.

Put your phone on air mode or turn it off. Keep your computer in the room with you, but close the programs you are not using (and email!).

Also turn off any alerts, notifications, reminders, and anything else that might be popping up on the screen while you study.

4. Create revision notes

Check out some tips on how to create revision notes:

  • Create a revision timetable with targets. The key to exam success is staying motivated, so set yourself some achievable goals and work out a plan of how you’ll achieve them. Remember that whatever you do in your revision, you need to keep reminding yourself why it’s important and how it will help you achieve your end goal.
  • Pick the right place for long-term study—not the library or someone else’s living room! Identify what kind of learner you are (e.g., visual, auditory) and choose a space where your learning style can be accommodated; this could be as simple as choosing between sitting at home on the sofa or going to the library. Establishing good working habits from day one also helps reduce stress in later stages.
  • Revise for exams in blocks rather than constantly revisiting content again and again – this prevents information overload and allows you to retain more information over time.

5. Sleep at least 7 to 8 hours every night

The key to performing well in school is not just about being smart, but also about taking care of your health. Here are some steps you can take before exam time rolls around.

  • Make sure that you get at least 7 hours of sleep every night and eat a nutritious breakfast. Eat healthy snacks during the day so that your blood sugar doesn’t drop before the test.
  • Take practice tests under realistic conditions to find out what areas need more work. For example, if math questions give you trouble, try solving math problems on scrap paper with a calculator nearby.
  • Doing anything else will only distract you from studying by giving your brain other things to focus on.
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6. Exercise regularly

Taking time out of your busy schedule to exercise will have a myriad of benefits. Not only will it keep you fit and in shape, but it’ll also boost your productivity, relieve stress, and increase self-confidence.

Also, you’ll feel healthier and happier overall. Exercise can be as simple as taking the stairs instead of the elevator or going for a brisk walk at lunchtime.

You can even use some low-impact exercises while watching TV or working on your computers like pushups or lunges. There are plenty of options available so find what works best for you!


These tips will help you prepare for any examination with ease. Try it and you will get good scores without much stress.

Keep following for more awesome articles. Thanks for reading, I’ll see you in the next one.

Last Updated 2 years by

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